The units surely are the units that your machine is set up in - in your case it would seem to be inches - so I don't see the difference betwen 180 and 50 would be noticeable. Whether this changes if you then use millimeters, I wouldn't know, i.e. does Mach 3 take a setting in inches and convert it to millimeters, or does it use the raw numbers.
If you want sharp edges, then you must use exact stop, but as you probably know, this will shake your machine about. You can, of course, introduce GCode to change from one to the other in your program, using CV for the wavvy bits, but using exact stop for the sharp bits.
On CV the next line begins to accelerate up to speed, as the previous line is slowing down, therefore the faster you go, the sooner the "blending" starts. However, if you limit the distance at which this starts, the machine will begin to slow down for the end of the line (depending on your acceleration setting on motor tuning), then it will blend the corner, then it will accelerate back up to speed, but you should get a sharper corner.
I don't think Mach 3 (or any CNC program for that matter) can be all things in all circumstances, and you will have to adjust settings to get the best results for what you are trying to achieve.