I am experimenting with SheetCAM. As part of its tool change routine, it inserts the following code:
N0220 (Process: Outside offset PARTLAYER, Mill/Router, 0.25 inch diameter, 4 inch Deep)
N0230 (Mill/Router, 0.25 inch diameter)
N0240 T2 M06 G43 H2
N0250 M03 S10000
The problem is with line N0240. When the code appears as written, Mach does the following:
- Issues a tool change command - pausing the program requiring a Cycle Start
- Reads the offset from the tool table (in this case 4")
- Adds the offset to the Z Axis current coordinates
- MOVES the router up 4" (at the currently set feed rate)
IF however, you break apart the command into two lines:
N0240 T2 M06
G43 H2
then the Mach does the following:
- Issues a tool change command - pausing the program requiring a Cycle Start
- Reads the offset from the tool table (in this case 4")
- Adds the offset to the Z Axis current coordinates
I believe that the SECOND action is what is suppose to happen. It is my understanding that the T2 or G43 commands do not actually move the router/cutter.
Has anyone else experienced this problem?
I have also been able to duplicate this by typing the command
T2 M06 G43 H2
directly into the MDI screen, switching to the Program Run screen, acknowledging the tool change, and the z axis moves to ZERO at the currently set feed rate.
If I enter:
T2 M06
switch to the Program Run screen, acknowledge the tool change, return to MDI screen, enter:
G43 H2
directly into the MDI screen - and switch back to the Program Run screen .... the tool has changes, the offsets are changed, but the z axis remains at its current position (ie -4)
When the commands are issued on the same line
T2 M06 G43 H2
Mach appears to be issuing the following
T2 M06 G43 H2 G1 Z0
It is the "G1" move that is driving me nuts.