Here is the motor wiring.
I turned the outputs off because I thought they might be inferring. I did have one on initially and it was set to pin 16.
The motor still runs fine under Mach control and at the proper speeds.
It's just not supposed to do that when jogging.
I am running 2 gecko 201's and 270 oz steppers.
I have all that wired correctly to the previously mentioned pins on the C10 BOB.
Then pin 16 and a ground from the BOB as well as a 5 volt from the BOB run to the DC-06 digi speed control.
I use the little transformer on this little board. It's a plug in type and createss the control voltage for the motor.
I have that voltage set to about 1.8 VDC. The two top wires on that board goes to my motor controller. This is normally where a manual pot would connect.
The motor has two wires. pos. and neg.
This is exactly how I have it on the mill with the exception that it is 220 VAC and I have a third axis motor.
Other than that, identical.
This one is Mach 3 version R3.042.020
Oh yeah. Estop is on pin 10