My backlash suggestion "50-50-50" rule to consider is as follows:
50% - The max velocity is 50% of where your steppers will start to skip
50% - Set the shuttle Wheel setting in configuration to .0050 to .050 ( .5 too slow )
50% - Backlash speed
The last two settings have an affect on how the backlash is implemented.
The Shuttle Wheel Accel is in seconds. How exactly is the" time" applied to the backlash "cycle"?
Well I don't really know.
It's internal to Mach. By observing the difference in how the motor reacts to different settings
you will see that it affects the overall time it takes for Mach to take up the backlash and at
say a value of 5 you will find that over five seconds the handwheel / shaft will turn
rather slowly. At 0.005 sec its almost instantaneous. In the real slow setting, and say you jog
a distance of .1" you will find there seems to be almost 3 distinct motor responses in the cycle,
....... a small rotation then deceleration...... then backlash taken up over a time...and then
accel and move to finish the distance.
So to get of flavor of it you need to start slow, observe, listen to see what is happening over an operating range.
Work your way up in settings.
Carefull with the backlash, with small diameter end mills you can break them in a heart beat. Rule of thumb is max depth
of cut less than 1/2 dia of mill. BC worked fine for me for when ihad to use it.