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Author Topic: Mach4 Post Processor for Plasma in Fusion 360 and a ESS motion - Cant Find One  (Read 5377 times)

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what you need is an ARC_OK signal. I think Thermal Dynamics include one. Look in the manual. If you have an ARC_OK signal then you could get
the rest working no trouble. If I'm not mistaken there is a round multi-pin plug on the back of the machine, called Machine Plug or similar. Find it and get the pinout
of the plug.

'I enjoy sex at 73.....I live at 71 so its not too far to walk.'
Will do,
I found this within a few minutes.

There is an ARC_OK signal, its closing relay contacts called OK TO MOVE by Thermal Dynamics. The Start/Stop presumably you've already got sorted.

It would be no trouble to tap into the machine to read the torch voltage, I've had these things in 1000 bits on a number of occasions. They have an IGBT
to close the earth to nozzle circuit used at start up. If it fails short circuit, and it often does, the nozzle blows out repeatedly in short order. I used to keep the IGBTs in stock,
and given how tight my boss was that was a battle!

'I enjoy sex at 73.....I live at 71 so its not too far to walk.'
yep, 'piece of piss mate' (translates to 'too f*****ing easy!!). See on the CNC board its got a voltage divider, either /16.67 or /30 or /50 and that you need to hook the input of the divider
to the terminal on the main board that is connected to the tip, ie arc voltage.

Five dollars worth of resistors and a couple of capacitors and you'd have divided arc voltage for THC if you want. These things are pretty basic, and its
all there if you want it. Ideally you get the additional option board that has the 'you beauty' plug on it and all that s***t but you don't need it. I'd solder the wires in in ten minutes.

'I enjoy sex at 73.....I live at 71 so its not too far to walk.'
Wow, that sounds encouraging. If I were to purchase a THC, do you have a recommendation?.

I don’t use my plasma set up that often. I have a 18o watt CO2 laser connected to the same machine which I also use as a milling machine.

I have been  satisfied with Mach3 Plasma using M3/M5 to control the plasma. But if I could get a THC set up that would be sweet.

Thanks for researching all this for me.
there are various THC units with ever increasingly sophisticated operation.

One of the goto standards for Mach users is the Proma 150. In essence you hook it up to the plasma without even the need of a divider,
set the target voltage and the unit produces two signals THC_UP and THC_DOWN. This works but has no anti-dive.

If you use an ESS motion controller then the WarpRunner THC board is the correct choice. It is an optimized design of the TMC3in1 which
preceded it, and is specifically meant to work with the ESS. It has good anti-dive functionality. Overall, the WarpRunner provides functionality
that you might expect from Hyperthrm but at a fraction of the price.

If previously you've had successes without THC, then you can again have that success without it, but you do need to hook up your plasma to your
breakout board/motion control combination to take advantage of the Mach4Hobby Plasma screen and the features it includes. That you can do
without having to spend anything. I suspect you'd find that combination a significant step forwards and upwards in terms of automation and usability over what
you have been accustomed to in Mach3......and may decide therefore that THC is just an un-warranted expense.


'I enjoy sex at 73.....I live at 71 so its not too far to walk.'
Thanks Craig for your detailed and unbiased approaches to THC.

I’m going to take your advice and tie it into my ESS. Sounds like a no-brainer for what I have going in my hobby shop.

Thanks again for all your input to my original post.


One more question  :) ,any insight on doing this BOB/ESS hookup?

I looked on Warp9 site and only found info on setting up with THC.

You wrote;
“If previously you've had successes without THC, then you can again have that success without it, but you do need to hook up your plasma to your
breakout board/motion control combination to take advantage of the Mach4Hobby Plasma screen and the features it includes. “
