Hey guys,
Decided to re-wire some limit switches today and split up the Z axis limit switches so I have ++ and -- hits rather than just a general limit switch.
Anywho, I split them up, using X112 and X111, the switches use a common ground port on the MB2. Z++ limit works as it should but when I hit Z-- I get a error message in the bottom
window saying "Clearing a Spurious limit_hit_latch event." Then it says go into diagnostics>logging to view error.
So I went and pulled the log and it says to add timing buffer or fix the switch, easy enough.
Add timing buffer all the way up too 4000, no change.
Switch ohms out properly, it cleanly breaks the signal.
I'm a bit at a loss here. I wire up million dollar control systems on the regular and this little $400 thing keeps throwing me curve balls.