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Author Topic: Newbee Keyboard problem  (Read 2358 times)

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Newbee Keyboard problem
« on: January 15, 2012, 04:02:26 PM »
I am just setting up the axis going through the general configuration instructions when I noticed that my right arrow key will not jog the "X" axis in the plus direction, no movement at all. The right arrow key does work in other programs such as notepad or word Etc.
If I press tab and bring up the MACH MPG and pick on the X+ arrow the X axis does move in the + direction.  I went into the "homes & limits" dialog box to see if I would have by mistake assigned  the X+ to some other key. I didn't see anything other than default settings there? So just to test the button in the MACH program I picked in the box for a custom key, when I pressed the right arrow key a number was displayed, I sorry I am not in front of my machine I don't remember that exact number but my point is that when I pressed the right arrow key the MACH program saw the button being pressed, I put the X+ key assignment back to default then.
Can anyone help me to understand what I may have done and how to fix it?

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Re: Newbee Keyboard problem
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2012, 04:55:49 PM »
Can you attach your xml and I will have a look and see if it works here.