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Author Topic: Setting up a 4th axis (A)  (Read 17757 times)

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Setting up a 4th axis (A)
« on: April 18, 2010, 04:16:49 PM »
I just added a rotary table to my Taig mill and I've got a few questions.

I can jog the A axis using the Job Pendant pull-out, but I'd like to be able to use keyboard keys (like with the X,Y&Z). 

1) Are there keys already assigned for jogging the A axis?

2) I looked at the Config menu for System Hotkeys.  All the definitions show 999 for the code numbers.  This surprised me.  I thought that the X, Y and Z jog keys would be defined here???????  There appears to be a setting for A+ and A- (I assume this is jogging), but it wants a code number for the key.  How do I determine the number for a given key?

3) Is there a listing somewhere of all of the Hotkey definitions in the standard screen set.  One, I don't want to override a key that already has a function. Two, I'd like to know what Hotkeys are defined.

Thanks for helping out a newbie!
Bill (the Cat) Shubert

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Re: Setting up a 4th axis (A)
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2010, 06:05:47 PM »
You should not have 999 for X Y and Z on the System HotKeys page, if you do then you wont be able to Jog via the keyboard.
It may however be a bug introduced by the latest version of Mach as I noticed the other day I could not jog and all of my Jog Hotkeys had 999, I will mention it to Brian.

As for A I dont think there are any standard HotKeys
The only place I think you will find a list of standard HotKeys is in the Mach2 customisation manual or possibly you may find out the ones being used if you use MachScreen to look at your screenset.

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Re: Setting up a 4th axis (A)
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2010, 06:06:22 PM »
How do I determine the number for a given key?

You just type the key you want to use.

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Re: Setting up a 4th axis (A)
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2010, 07:29:22 PM »
1) Are there keys already assigned for jogging the A axis?
Those are "home" and "end" buttons on my keyboard using Rev 3.041

« Last Edit: April 18, 2010, 07:31:30 PM by budman68 »
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Dave->    ;)
Re: Setting up a 4th axis (A)
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2010, 10:55:05 PM »
I guess I should have mentioned that I'm using R3.042.020.

Concerning the replies I've received so far.

I do have 999 on all the key defs on the System Hotkey page...but I DO have jog control using the arrow keys (X&Y) and Page Up/Down (Z).  I found that confusing because I expected to see values for these keys.

I'll look around for the Mach2 Customization Manual.  As for MachScreen, I've never gotten that far in my education.  Is there a tutorial for using it?

Funny you should mention those keys.  I thought that might be logical (since the Z jog keys are next to them). So, I tried "home" and "end".  The "end" key did nothing, but the "home" key did just that (Ref All).  That's why I'd like to know where to find all the "standard" key defs, so I don't cause any conflicts.

I saw that method in one of the tutorial videos, but it was for setting an "emulation" key on some other screen.  I tried it anyway.  When I highlighted one or the keycode values and tried hitting the key I wanted to define....it did nothing???????

Thanks to all who replied!!!!
Bill (the Cat) Shubert
Re: Setting up a 4th axis (A)
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2010, 01:19:33 AM »
OK.  Did some more playing and, the good new is, I've got my A axis jogging from the keyboard.  I found that I was clicking on the wrong spot to set the key definition.  I needed to click on the label instead of the value field.

Now the strange part.  Like I said, when I clicked on the Config->System Hotkeys menu, all the jog entries showed 999 (implying that no keys were defined for jogging).  However, I DID have jog control using the arrow keys (X&Y) and the Pg Up/Down (Z).  So, I defined keys for A+ and A- jogging and exited the menu.  At that point I could jog the A axis, but I had lost keyboard control for jogging the X, Y & Z axes????????  Now it gets really strange. If I restarted Mach, I had keyboard jog control of all axes (X, Y, Z & A)....until I accessed the System Hotkey menu.  When the menu was displayed, my key definitions for A axis jogging showed, but the values for the other axes showed 999.  When I exited the menu, I would again lose keyboard jog control of the X, Y & Z axes??????  I have no idea where the system was getting the key definitions for jogging the X, Y & Z axes at startup, but the definitions were not showing up in the System Hotkey menu...and were apparently being overridden when I exited without defining them.

So, I went back in and defined the keys for jogging the X, Y & Z axes and now everything is working fine.

BTW, I downloaded the same version of MACH to my laptop (without driver support...just for emulation). When I access the System Hotkey menu there, the key definitions for the X, Y & Z axes show actual values (not 999 like on the machine that actually controls my mill).
Bill (the Cat) Shubert

Offline budman68

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Re: Setting up a 4th axis (A)
« Reply #6 on: April 19, 2010, 05:09:01 AM »
Wow, I have no idea Bill, as I'm staying with the REV I'm using now as it's been stable for what I do and I'm good with that.

All 3 of my machines all have the home end buttons as A axis controller set in the Mach 3 right from the setup, not like I set it up that way.

As Hood mentions, this may have to do with the Rev changes, not sure.

Just because I'm a Global Moderator, don't assume that I know anything !

Dave->    ;)
Re: Setting up a 4th axis (A)
« Reply #7 on: April 19, 2010, 09:12:32 AM »
I hear you Dave :P

The "home" key for my REV does a "Ref All" and I found that the "end" key toggles the "M1 Optional Stop" on/off.  There may have been keys for A axis jogging defined somewhere. However, after hitting the "home" key and having the machine start a "Ref All" when I wasn't expecting it, I didn't want to keep hitting keys at random trying to find it (and not knowing what effect the key press may have on my system):o  I'd love to know where these things are defined.

It's things like this that make me hesitant to upgrade to a newer REV.  I'll be sticking with my REV until I have a damn good reason to change and that's a shame.  I know that (from a support standpoint) it's always better to be using the latest version, but, until I get a better understanding of the internals of MACH, I'm afraid to upgrade :(
Bill (the Cat) Shubert
Re: Setting up a 4th axis (A)
« Reply #8 on: April 19, 2010, 09:40:09 AM »
While on this subject is there a way to disable the Z axis  when you do a GOTO ZERO.   With zero set at the center of my chuck, if theres a work peice in there its goin to drive my bit right through it?