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Author Topic: X-Box 360 Controller and Spindle  (Read 3237 times)

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X-Box 360 Controller and Spindle
« on: January 01, 2009, 08:40:24 PM »
I was wondering if anyone else had a problem with the spindle motor turning off when the X-Box 360 controller automatically shuts down. It has happened only once but I have not had a line of code last that long until today.

Any help on this is appreciated.

Michael ???

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Re: X-Box 360 Controller and Spindle
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2009, 06:39:30 AM »
Don't know if this will help, but I did the xbox360 controller setup thing and had trouble with it. I was using a wireless.

I've since discovered that RF screws up the steppers. My wireless network adapter was making the steppers go nuts, big time.

However, I did like the way you can control the machine with the xbox controller. I'm trying to snag a wired version off ebay. That should solve both the RF issue and any auto shut down caused by low batteries or whatever as the wired version is powered by the USB port.