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Author Topic: Need help with entity - Weird problem  (Read 3861 times)

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Offline Vogavt

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Need help with entity - Weird problem
« on: August 21, 2008, 12:01:12 AM »
I have an engraving file that I want to be able to change how the order of entities is being cut. Not chain, but entities within the chain. For example, I have the letter "C".  I have a straight section between the curves at the top and bottom. What's happening is that LazyCam is selecting the straight entity first, then one of the curves, then the last curve. I would think I could change that order and make the it cut in one complete pass. As it is now, the bit has to raise up and move to the other entities afterward slowing production down.

Also when I select any single entity and see the arrow, I try to move the arrow around to either change the direction of cut. The annoying problem is that I can't seem to let go of the moving rapid line. Even the arrow disappears, but when I move the mouse, the rapids move around as well.  I've tried hitting the "Esc" button, etc. to no avail. I read somewhere that double-clicking the arrow's white/yellow center is supposed to allow you to change some properties. Sometimes it works and sometimes it resets the viewing window.

It's not related to any single file. It happens on all my files.

Any ideas?


Offline Chip

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Re: Need help with entity - Weird problem
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2008, 12:57:00 AM »
Hi, Vogavt

Did you use the Clean and Optomize buttons after loading the DXF.

After you click on an enity, click on the arrow, Then you can move it around, Click on it after you move it and it should re-lock in.

Double clicking will open up the Lead-Config window.

Post your DXF with the "Reply" button, If you like.

Thanks, Chip

Offline Vogavt

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Re: Need help with entity - Weird problem
« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2008, 09:19:35 AM »
Thanks for the quick response!

Yes, I've used the Clean and optimize buttons after loading the dxf.

However,the problem still exists even after doing that: arrow disappears, cant' lock with single click, etc.

I've saved the lcam file, closed LazyCam, restarted the program and opened the file again, but still "No Joy" with the arrow.

Has anyone else ever seen this happening?
Re: Need help with entity - Weird problem
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2008, 11:59:44 PM »
I had the same problem with 2 arcs and 2 lines joined together. Try selecting the entire thing in cad, copy it and paste it to a new sheet and then save it to open it in lcam. That seemed to work for me. As far as the arrow, it seems to me like you have to click on the actual entity line to lock it in.

Offline Vogavt

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Re: Need help with entity - Weird problem
« Reply #4 on: August 26, 2008, 02:42:17 PM »
Will give that a try, but these are already "exploded" entities and saved as a dxf.

The problem I have with clicking directly on the entity to lock the arrow in, is that when doing so it locks the arrow exactly where you click. Therefore creating another location/point for Lazycam to have to calculate g-code for.

Offline Sage

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Re: Need help with entity - Weird problem
« Reply #5 on: October 01, 2008, 09:34:18 PM »
Just what is moving this (arrow) around supposed to do. BTW I don't see an arrow just a dot at the end of a dashed line usually at the end of an entity. Lacking any information I assumed that I should move that dot and the start point (circle with an X) to positions such that the tool approaches the work on a tangent like a lead in.
 The problem I've had is if i move the dot around it reverses the order of the entities and I can't get them back in the proper machining order. (They were fine when I loaded the file)
VERY frustrating.

Also I've gotten it to create a leadin line but even the 45 deg option does not seem to produce a lead in that is adjustable to be tangent to the part as it's supposed to be. A straight in lead in line leaves a mark on the part.

I don't suppose anyone can suggest solutions to these problems??

