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Author Topic: Comparison of v2 and v3 digitizing wizards???  (Read 2518 times)

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Comparison of v2 and v3 digitizing wizards???
« on: June 09, 2006, 01:48:00 PM »
Is there anyone that can give a comparison between 2 and 3 digitizing
wizards? I have discovered a major bug in v2 and I know that Art and
Brian would much rather spend their time on finishing v3. So with that
in mind, I may have to change to v3 now if the wizard is better.

I set up a part, opened the wizard input all the info which was a .125"
step in the x and a .06 step in the y. When doing the first line the x
would somtimes jog 1 step, or 2 or 3 or 10. It was never consistant and
sure not good enough to get a usable file from.

Any ideas?


ps when doing multiple steps in the x axis the dro was reading the correct movement.