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Author Topic: "Universal Blank" for Plugins (motion and Non-motion, plus Dialog)..  (Read 23359 times)

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Offline poppabear

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  • Briceville, TN, USA
Here is a "UniversalBlank" Plugin Template I made.  It has Both regular and Motion (the motion is commented out, just uncomment to use for a motion plug), also, it has a Blank Config Dialog already attached for your use.

I added all the New stuff that I have been seeing Crop up in the newer plugin sources that are NOT in the SDK as of 62.

I incorporated the stuff for the MachDevice, and MachImplementation for:


Also the headers for GetMenu range
There are some commented out examples in there for basic set up, and examples of using the myNotify() with the VB NotifyPlugins() function, as well as an example of the myNotify reading the notifys from Mach3.

The only thing you will need to change is the "Version" Dlg and Mach Def.  Change the info to your company/self and name of your .dll etc.
OR, you can just delete the "MyDialog_Dlg" resource and put in your own or rename, and of course get rid of my companies logo bit map and replace it with your own, I just left it
in so you could see where to put stuff.

File Attached:  "UniversalBlank.zip"

fun times
Re: "Universal Blank" for Plugins (motion and Non-motion, plus Dialog)..
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2012, 06:06:20 AM »
Hi poppabear

How can I insert my special sub menu into "PlugIn Control" ?

I read the so many toturials and source code but Finally I got error at this line :
CMenu *menu = MachFrame->GetMenu();

Can u please update your source code and add needed functions ?
