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Author Topic: Tool Change Script for Mach4 - A collaborative effort for a Tool Setter Macro  (Read 1964 times)

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I would like help to start an open-source script that users can add to.  This will help guys like me set up a tool change macro.  Here is what I would like it to do:  It should work with an M6 tool change call or stand-alone.

Press a button and a macro is called or call the macro in the MDI

The macro does this:
A Prompt comes up asking how high to move to a safe Z position a default pops up which can be changed
tool moves to safe z
The X&Y axis move to the tool setters location (default will be X0 Y0 the homed location of the machine unless the tool setter has an offset registered location) and a prompt will ask if the machine is in the right location
option to move the tool by jogging and set a new default tool setter location which gets saved for next time if an adustment is needed
if no the tool returns to the original location so adjustments can be made rotine canceled
if yes once in the position it will ask if it needs to move higher to change the tool and if so by how much
change the tool message box asks to confirm when this is done.
tool touches off on the tool setter
and tool length is set and recorded
the prompt comes up asking how high to a safe z, the default will be the same height of tool tip as the orriginal all calculated by previously stored values
confirm tool change is complete
move back to the starting position or stay put is asked

In the macro variables are declared that can be edited to customize for each user for example
input number for tool setter trigger or G31.?

Hopefully, this idea catches on and if I ever come up with a solution I will post it here.  The idea is hopefully one of you code wizards like the idea and as features are added the script will be in the last thread and we can copy and paste it to our machines.

Than you

Offline Graham Waterworth

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It sounds as if you want a tool setter not a tool change macro.

If you look in the Mach4 Docs folder you will see a Scripting Manual, in here are the basic code for a rack type M6 macro.

If you have a drum or carousel type then all of the complexities of that would need to be added and as every tool changer is different it needs to be custom coded.

Not as simple as asking a few questions.

BTW, manual jogging within a macro is not possible.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2022, 03:23:45 PM by Graham Waterworth »
Without engineers the world stops
Here is what I came up with.  Yes sort of a semi-automatic tool change macro with the ability to adjust variables on the fly. Many thanks to DazTheGas and others for ideas and scrip.  Hoping this can be expanded on and improved.  Fair warning it works on my machine, and your mileage will vary.  I found a q-tip in place of a tool convenient to avoid crashes.

function m6()
local inst = mc.mcGetInstance();
--mc.mcToolSetCurrent(inst, 2) -- DELETE THIS WHEN WORKS
local didStrike = 0
local touchPlateXPos = -515; --X position (in machine coord) of the touch plate
local touchPlateYPos = -50; --Y position (in machine coord) of the touch plate
local toolChangeZ = -100; -- abs Z height to move the head for manual tool change by operator
local fColletAtProbeZCoordinate = -422.2020; --This is the z position where the end of the spinde is about to touch the sensor, leave about 0.1in clearance
local noToolLen = 137; --Length to use if tool lenght = 0 (make sure NO tools can be longer than this);

local zRaiseForToolChange = -100;
local FinalSafeZ_AfterChange = -100;

local probeCode = "G31.1"; --G code of the probe to use
local fProbePrepSpeed = 50;
local fProbeSpeed = 50;
local ProbeOperationDistance = -160; -- Length of Probe move before giving up
local fExtraProbeDistance = 10;

--define motors mapping
local xAxisNb = 0;
local yAxisNb = 1;
local zAxisNb = 2;

--Track original X/Y/Z position
local orgX = mc.mcAxisGetPos(inst,xAxisNb);
local orgY = mc.mcAxisGetPos(inst,yAxisNb);
local orgZ = mc.mcAxisGetPos(inst,zAxisNb);

local requestedTool = mc.mcToolGetSelected(inst);
local newToolDesc = mc.mcToolGetDesc(inst,requestedTool);

--if (newToolDesc == "") then

   --newToolDesc = "New Tool"
--end if

local currenttool = mc.mcToolGetCurrent(inst);
local currentToolLen = mc.mcToolGetData(inst,mc.MTOOL_MILL_HEIGHT,currenttool);


--Ensure we are fully homed on all axises
local xHomed = mc.mcAxisIsHomed(inst,xAxisNb);
local yHomed = mc.mcAxisIsHomed(inst,yAxisNb);
local zHomed = mc.mcAxisIsHomed(inst,zAxisNb);
if (xHomed == 0 or yHomed == 0 or zHomed == 0)
   mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst,"M6 – Tool change : At least one axis is not homed");

mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst,"Machine is homed - Tool change may proceed.");

mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst,"M6 – Processing tool change from"..currenttool.." to "..requestedTool);

--Ensure a tool change is needed
if requestedTool == currenttool

   mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst,"M6 – Current tool and Requested tool are the same, nothing to do");

--Ensure valid tool length, if not, use default value
if (currentToolLen <= 0.1)
   currentToolLen = noToolLen;
   mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst,"Tool length not identified default tool length being used :"..currentToolLen);

-- end
--local MyNum = wx.wxGetNumberFromUser("Select or enter a feed rate", "Feed Rate:", "Teach Feed Rate", 50, 1, 1500) --Default, min, max

MyNum = wx.wxGetNumberFromUser("Confim current tool tip is less than", "Tool Length to spindle nose:", "Tool Length Confirmation", currentToolLen, 0, 300)--Default, min, max

  if (MyNum == -1) then  --1 is cancel
      mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst,"Tool Length not set.");
   elseif (MyNum >= 0.1) then
   currentToolLen = MyNum
    mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst,"Tool Length set to: "..currentToolLen)
--Keep of copy of the current postion mode, units, feed as we are going to change them
local positionMode = mc.mcCntlGetPoundVar(inst,4003);
local units = mc.mcCntlGetPoundVar(inst,4006);
local feedRate = mc.mcCntlGetPoundVar(inst, 2134);

--Move Z to safe pos
MyNum = zRaiseForToolChange
MyNum = wx.wxGetNumberFromUser("Confim Z Movement", "Z Axis will move up to Z machine coordinate: ", "Z Movement Confirmation", zRaiseForToolChange, -600, 600)--Default, min, max

  if (MyNum == -1) then  --1 is cancel
      mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst,"Z move cancelled");
   elseif (MyNum < -1) then
   zRaiseForToolChange = MyNum
   mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst,"Z Axis moving to :"..zRaiseForToolChange);
   mc.mcCntlGcodeExecuteWait(inst,"G21 G90 G53 G0 Z"..zRaiseForToolChange.."\nM5")

--Goto x/y of touch pad

mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst,"Moving tool over tool setter X"..touchPlateXPos.." Y"..touchPlateYPos);
mc.mcCntlGcodeExecuteWait(inst, "G90 G53 G0 X"..touchPlateXPos.." Y"..touchPlateYPos);

--Compute the z position we need to move the head before probing

   local probestart = fColletAtProbeZCoordinate + fExtraProbeDistance + currentToolLen;
MyNum = probestart
MyNum = wx.wxGetNumberFromUser("Confim Movement to Tool Setter", "Z Axis will move down to Z machine coordinate: ", "Z Movement Confirmation", probestart, -600, 600)--Default, min, max

  if (MyNum == -1) then  --1 is cancel
      mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst,"Probe move cancelled");
   elseif (MyNum < 0) then
   probestart = MyNum
   local GCODE = "G90 G53 G31.1 G0 Z"..probestart.." F"..fProbePrepSpeed
    GCODE = ""..GCODE.." \n G91 G0 Z0 F"..fProbePrepSpeed.." \n G91 G31.1 Z"..ProbeOperationDistance.." F"..fProbeSpeed

-- Move to probe position and probe
   mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst,"Moving to probe position and probing");

--Make sure the probe made contact
didStrike = mc.mcCntlProbeGetStrikeStatus(inst);
if (didStrike == 0)
   mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst,"Probe did not make contact");


mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst,"Probe strike occured Tool Change to continue.");

-- Sets the height for the 1st tool
local currentToolZ = mc.mcAxisGetPos(inst,2);

-- Move Z back to safe pos for tool change
MyNum = probestart
MyNum = wx.wxGetNumberFromUser("Confim Movement to Safe Z height", "Z Axis will move UP to Z machine coordinate: ", "Z Movement Confirmation", toolChangeZ, -600, 600)--Default, min, max

  if (MyNum == -1) then  --1 is cancel
      mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst,"Move up to safe Z cancelled");
   elseif (MyNum < 0) then
      toolChangeZ = MyNum
      mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst,"Moving to machine Z"..toolChangeZ);
      mc.mcCntlGcodeExecuteWait(inst, "G90 G53 G0 Z"..toolChangeZ);

--Prompt user
wx.wxMessageBox("Please change to tool number "..requestedTool.." ("..newToolDesc..") and press ENTER to continue");

--At this point, the tool has been changed, recalc new values
currenttool = requestedTool;
currentToolLen = mc.mcToolGetData(inst,mc.MTOOL_MILL_HEIGHT,currenttool);

if (currentToolLen <= 0.1)
currentToolLen = noToolLen;
mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst,"No tool length identified, Default tool length being used: "..noToolLen);


--Calculate new tool probe Z
probestart = fColletAtProbeZCoordinate + fExtraProbeDistance + currentToolLen;

--Move Z close the touch pad
MyNum = probestart
MyNum = wx.wxGetNumberFromUser("Confim Movement to probing Z height", "Z Axis will move DOWN to Z machine coordinate: ", "Z Movement Confirmation", probestart, -600, 600)--Default, min, max

  if (MyNum == -1) then  --1 is cancel
      mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst,"Move down to probing cancelled");
   elseif (MyNum < 0) then
   probestart = MyNum
   GCODE = "G90 G53 G31.1 G0 Z"..probestart.." F"..fProbePrepSpeed
    GCODE = ""..GCODE.." \n G91 G0 Z0 F"..fProbePrepSpeed.." \n G91 G31.1 Z"..ProbeOperationDistance.." F"..fProbeSpeed
   mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst,"Z Move down to probe position: "..probestart);

   -- Set Z to old tool probed Z for correct z height for new tool
--Make sure the probe made contact
didStrike = mc.mcCntlProbeGetStrikeStatus(inst);

if (didStrike == 0)
   mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst,"Probe did not make contact");


mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst,"Probe strike #2 occured Tool Change to continue.");

-- Change tool enditing
local rc = mc.mcToolSetCurrent(inst,requestedTool);
local newlyToolIdx = mc.mcToolGetCurrent(inst);

-- Move back to a safe Z position
MyNum = FinalSafeZ_AfterChange
MyNum = wx.wxGetNumberFromUser("Confim Movement to safe Z height", "Z Axis will move UP to Z machine coordinate: ", "Z Movement Confirmation", FinalSafeZ_AfterChange, -600, 600)--Default, min, max

  if (MyNum == -1) then  --1 is cancel
      mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst,"Move up to Safe Z cancelled");
   elseif (MyNum < 0) then
   FinalSafeZ_AfterChange = MyNum

   mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst,"Z Move UP to Safe Z: "..FinalSafeZ_AfterChange);
   mc.mcCntlGcodeExecuteWait(inst,"G90 G53 G0 Z"..FinalSafeZ_AfterChange.."") -- Moves Z asis up to clear new tool


-- Move X/Y back to org
mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst,"Moving tool over original position X"..orgX.." Y"..orgY);
mc.mcCntlGcodeExecuteWait(inst,"G90 G0 X"..orgX.." Y"..orgY)

--Move to zero Z with new tool
mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst,"Moving tool original Z"..orgZ);
mc.mcCntlGcodeExecuteWait(inst,"G90 G0 Z"..orgZ); -- Move Z to org pos

--Restore Position mode, units & feed

-- Execute some G code to force modal label UI to refresh
-- else, ui and interal settings are out of sync which can cause operator errors

mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst,"Tool Change Complete!");


if (mc.mcInEditor() == 1) then

Thats great! I’m currently setting up my machine to use the ATC and tool setter (tool carousel is in the works).  I’m also a LUA neophyte but I’m going to use this project as my first one.

If i follow correctly, i could insert the actual tool changing code (or call to a subroutine) right where you prompt the user to change the tool in your code. 

(i will use a pokeys to work as the plc to control the tool changer and control it with mach)

Great work. Thanks for the inspiration
Glad you enjoyed my post. I'm not an expert in this either. But I suspect somewhere around where the tool changes called for or the positioning just before it would be the appropriate spot. I encourage you once you figure it out add it to this thread so that others May build upon it as well.
This is the answer I came up with to my original post.

function m6()
-- Name:        M6 Custom Tool Change Macro ESS/MB3 PM833TV Mill
-- Author:      Tom Millay (Steelbarz)
-- Modified by:
-- Created:     01/14/2024
-- Copyright:   (c) 2024 McMill Construction.
-- License:     BSD (Free as in REALLY free!)
-- Synopsis:    M6 too change macro that allows for semi autonoumous tool changes
--              with user promps to allow for customization on the fly of distance traveled.

local inst = mc.mcGetInstance();
--mc.mcToolSetCurrent(inst, 2) -- DELETE THIS WHEN WORKS
local didStrike = 0

local touchPlateXPos = 12; --X position (in machine coord) of the touch plate
local touchPlateYPos = 169; --Y position (in machine coord) of the touch plate
local touchPlateHeight = 65 -- the hight of the tool setter off the table bed in MM
local SpindleNoseOnToolSetter = -387.66 -- if the spindle tip passes this the limits will trip
local SpindleNoseZlimitMinZ = -395 -- if the spindle tip passes this the limits will trip
local TableSurface = SpindleNoseOnToolSetter - touchPlateHeight -- -452.66

local toolChangeZ = -100; -- abs Z height to move the head for manual tool change by operator
local fColletAtProbeZCoordinate = -387.66; --This is the z position where the end of the spinde is about to touch the sensor, leave about 0.1in clearance
local noToolLen = 140; --Length to use if tool lenght = 0 (make sure NO tools can be longer than this);

local zRaiseForToolChange = -100;
local FinalSafeZ_AfterChange = -100;

local RapidRate =400 ---speed to move during positioning
local probeCode = "G31.1"; --G code of the probe to use
local fProbePrepSpeed = 50;
local fProbeSpeed = 50;
local ProbeOperationDistance = -160; -- Length of Probe move before giving up
local fExtraProbeDistance = 10;

--define motors mapping
local xAxisNb = 0;
local yAxisNb = 1;
local zAxisNb = 2;

--Track original X/Y/Z position
local orgX = mc.mcAxisGetPos(inst,xAxisNb);
local orgY = mc.mcAxisGetPos(inst,yAxisNb);
local orgZ = mc.mcAxisGetPos(inst,zAxisNb);

--------- Get machine position --------------
--function GetMachPos(Axis)
--   if (Axis == 'X') then
--      XMach = mc.mcAxisGetMachinePos(inst, mc.X_AXIS)
--   elseif (Axis == 'Y') then
--      YMach = mc.mcAxisGetMachinePos(inst, mc.Y_AXIS)
--   elseif (Axis == 'Z') then
--      ZMach = mc.mcAxisGetMachinePos(inst, mc.Z_AXIS)
--   end

----------- Get Work position --------------
--function GetWorkPos(Axis)
--   if (Axis == 'X') then
--      XWork = mc.mcAxisGetPos(inst, mc.X_AXIS)
--   elseif (Axis == 'Y') then
--      YWork = mc.mcAxisGetPos(inst, mc.Y_AXIS)
--   elseif (Axis == 'Z') then
--      ZWork = mc.mcAxisGetPos(inst, mc.Z_AXIS)
--   end

local requestedTool = mc.mcToolGetSelected(inst);
local newToolDesc = mc.mcToolGetDesc(inst,requestedTool);

local currenttool = mc.mcToolGetCurrent(inst);
local currentToolLen = mc.mcToolGetData(inst,mc.MTOOL_MILL_HEIGHT,currenttool);

xHomed = 1
yHomed = 1
zHomed = 1

--Ensure we are fully homed on all axises
local xHomed = mc.mcAxisIsHomed(inst,xAxisNb);
local yHomed = mc.mcAxisIsHomed(inst,yAxisNb);
local zHomed = mc.mcAxisIsHomed(inst,zAxisNb);
if (xHomed == 0 or yHomed == 0 or zHomed == 0)
   mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst,"M6 – Tool change : At least one axis is not homed");

mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst,"Machine is homed - Tool change may proceed.");

mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst,"M6 – Processing tool change from "..currenttool.." to "..requestedTool);

--Ensure a tool change is needed
if requestedTool == currenttool

   mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst,"M6 – Current tool and Requested tool are the same, nothing to do");


if (currentToolLen <= 0.1)
   currentToolLen = noToolLen;
   mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst,"Tool length not identified default tool length being used :"..currentToolLen);

MyNum = wx.wxGetNumberFromUser("Confim current tool tip to spindle nose is LESS than", "Tool Length: Tip to spindle nose:", "Tool Length Confirmation", currentToolLen, 0, 300)--Default, min, max

  if (MyNum <= 0) then  --1 is cancel
      mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst,"Tool Length not set.");
   elseif (MyNum >= 0.1) then
   currentToolLen = MyNum
    mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst,"Tool Length set to: "..currentToolLen)
   ---AirBlast ON Script

   mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst,"Air Blast On")
   local hsig2, rc2 = mc.mcSignalGetHandle(inst, mc.OSIG_OUTPUT0) -- RELAY FOR TOOL SETTER AIR BLAST
   mc.mcSignalSetState(hsig2, 1); --sets OUTPUT_0 to True
   local ActivateSignalTime2 = 1000 --Time in milliseconds that we want the signal to be active.
   mc.mcSignalSetState(hsig2, 0); --sets OUTPUT_0 to True
   mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst,"Air Blast Off")

--Keep of copy of the current postion mode, units, feed as we are going to change them
local positionMode = mc.mcCntlGetPoundVar(inst,4003);
local units = mc.mcCntlGetPoundVar(inst,4006);
local feedRate = mc.mcCntlGetPoundVar(inst, 2134);

--Move Z to safe pos
MyNum = zRaiseForToolChange
MyNum = wx.wxGetNumberFromUser("Confim Z Movement and Movement over Tool Setter", "Z Axis will move spindle nose up to Z machine coordinate: ", "Z Movement Confirmation", zRaiseForToolChange, -600, 600)--Default, min, max

  if (MyNum == -1) then  --1 is cancel
      mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst,"Z move cancelled");
   elseif (MyNum < -1) then
   zRaiseForToolChange = MyNum
   mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst,"Z Axis moving to :"..zRaiseForToolChange);
   --mc.mcCntlGcodeExecuteWait(inst,"G21 G90 G53 G1 Z"..zRaiseForToolChange.."\nM5 F"..700)
   mc.mcCntlGcodeExecuteWait(inst,"G21 G90 G53 G1 Z"..zRaiseForToolChange.." F"..700)

   mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst,"Moving tool over tool setter X"..touchPlateXPos.." Y"..touchPlateYPos);
   mc.mcCntlGcodeExecuteWait(inst, "G90 G53 G1 X"..touchPlateXPos.." Y"..touchPlateYPos.." F"..RapidRate);

--Compute the z position we need to move the head before probing
--touchPlateHeight = 65
--fColletAtProbeZCoordinate = -388.0; --this is the lowest number the tool tip can be at b4 crashing

   local probestart = fColletAtProbeZCoordinate + fExtraProbeDistance + currentToolLen;
   MyNum = probestart
   MyNum = wx.wxGetNumberFromUser("Confim Movement to Tool Setter", "Probing commencing.  Z Axis will move tool tip down to Z machine coordinate and probing will commence at: ", "Z Movement Confirmation", probestart, -600, 600)--Default, min, max

  if (MyNum == -1) then  --1 is cancel      
      mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst,"Probe move cancelled");
   elseif (MyNum < 0) then
   probestart = MyNum

---- Crash Protection
-- touchPlateHeight = 65 -- the hight of the tool setter off the table bed in MM
-- SpindleNoseOnToolSetter = -387.66 -- if the spindle tip passes this the limits will trip
-- SpindleNoseZlimitMinZ = -395 -- if the spindle tip passes this the limits will trip
-- TableSurface = SpindleNoseToolSetter - touchPlateHeight
-- touchPlateHeight = 65 -- the hight of the tool setter off the table bed in MM
-- SpindleNoseOnToolSetter = -387.66 -- if the spindle tip passes this the limits will trip
-- SpindleNoseZlimitMinZ = -395 -- if the spindle tip passes this the limits will trip
-- TableSurface = SpindleNoseToolSetter - touchPlateHeight
   --local TipMath = (TableSurface - probestart)*-1
   --local TopOfTouchPlateMachineCoord = (TableSurface+touchPlateHeight) *-1
   --local OpenDistance = ((probestart*-1)-TopOfTouchPlateMachineCoord)
   --local TipMath = (TopOfTouchPlateMachineCoord + probestart) - touchPlateHeight
   TipMath = (probestart-SpindleNoseOnToolSetter)
   if (TipMath <= currentToolLen) then  --1 is cancel
         wx.wxMessageBox("Crash Detected.  Probe move cancelled.  Tool Length: "..currentToolLen.." is too long.");
         mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst,"CRASH! tool change canceled");   
   elseif (TipMath > currentToolLen) then
         mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst,"Spindle Nose will be "..TipMath.."mm Above the Tool Setter when probing starts.");
   local GCODE = "G90 G53 G31.1 G1 Z"..probestart.." F"..RapidRate
    GCODE = ""..GCODE.." \n G91 G0 Z0 F"..fProbePrepSpeed.." \n G91 G31.1 Z"..ProbeOperationDistance.." F"..fProbeSpeed

   mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst,"Moving to probe position and probing");
   mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst,"Spindle Nose will be "..TipMath.."mm Above the Tool Setter when probing starts.");
-- Move to probe position and probe   
   TipMath = 0

--Make sure the probe made contact
didStrike = mc.mcCntlProbeGetStrikeStatus(inst);

if (didStrike == 0)
   mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst,"Probe did not make contact");

mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst,"Probe strike occured Tool Change to continue.");

-- Sets the height for the 1st tool
local currentToolZ = mc.mcAxisGetPos(inst,2);

-- Move Z back to safe pos for tool change
MyNum = toolChangeZ

MyNum = wx.wxGetNumberFromUser("Confim Movement to Safe Z height", "Z Axis will move UP to Z machine coordinate: ", "Z Movement Confirmation", toolChangeZ, -600, 600)--Default, min, max

  if (MyNum == -1) then  --1 is cancel
      mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst,"Move up to safe Z cancelled");
   elseif (MyNum < 0) then
      toolChangeZ = MyNum
      mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst,"Moving to machine Z"..toolChangeZ);
      mc.mcCntlGcodeExecuteWait(inst, "G90 G53 G1 Z"..MyNum.." F"..RapidRate..""); ;

--Prompt user

if (newToolDesc == "") then

   newToolDesc = "New Tool"


--Enter code here to activate Pnumatic Tool Changer
wx.wxMessageBox("Please change to tool number "..requestedTool.." ("..newToolDesc..") and press ENTER to continue");


--At this point, the tool has been changed, recalc new values
currenttool = requestedTool;
currentToolLen = mc.mcToolGetData(inst,mc.MTOOL_MILL_HEIGHT,currenttool);

-- Makes sure you dont crash the tool into the tool setter
if (currentToolLen <= 0.1)
   --currentToolLen = noToolLen;
   --mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst,"No tool length identified, Default tool length being used: "..noToolLen);
   MyNum = noToolLen
   MyNum = wx.wxGetNumberFromUser("No tool length identified", "What is the length from spindle nose to tool tip?: ", "Tool length From Spindle Nose to Tool Tip", noToolLen, 0, 600)--Default, min, max

   currentToolLen = MyNum


--Calculate new tool probe Z
probestart = fColletAtProbeZCoordinate + fExtraProbeDistance + currentToolLen;
MyNum = probestart

MyNum = wx.wxGetNumberFromUser("Confim Movement to probing Z height", "Z Axis will move DOWN to Z machine coordinate: ", "Z Movement Confirmation", probestart, -600, 600)--Default, min, max

---- Crash Protection
-- touchPlateHeight = 65 -- the hight of the tool setter off the table bed in MM
-- SpindleNoseOnToolSetter = -387.66 -- if the spindle tip passes this the limits will trip
-- SpindleNoseZlimitMinZ = -395 -- if the spindle tip passes this the limits will trip
-- TableSurface = SpindleNoseToolSetter - touchPlateHeight
-- touchPlateHeight = 65 -- the hight of the tool setter off the table bed in MM
-- SpindleNoseOnToolSetter = -387.66 -- if the spindle tip passes this the limits will trip
-- SpindleNoseZlimitMinZ = -395 -- if the spindle tip passes this the limits will trip
-- TableSurface = SpindleNoseToolSetter - touchPlateHeight
   --local TipMath = (TableSurface - probestart)*-1
   --local TopOfTouchPlateMachineCoord = (TableSurface+touchPlateHeight) *-1
   --local OpenDistance = ((probestart*-1)-TopOfTouchPlateMachineCoord)
   --local TipMath = (TopOfTouchPlateMachineCoord + probestart) - touchPlateHeight
   TipMath = (probestart-SpindleNoseOnToolSetter)
   if (TipMath <= currentToolLen) then  --1 is cancel
         wx.wxMessageBox("Crash Detected.  Probe move cancelled.  Tool Length: "..currentToolLen.." is too long.");
         mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst,"CRASH! tool change canceled");   
   elseif (TipMath > currentToolLen) then
         mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst,"Spindle Nose will be "..TipMath.."mm Above the Tool Setter when probing starts.");
--Move Z close the touch pad
  if (MyNum == -1) then  --1 is cancel      
      mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst,"Probe move cancelled");
   elseif (MyNum < 0) then
   probestart = MyNum

   local GCODE = "G90 G53 G31.1 G1 Z"..probestart.." F"..RapidRate
    GCODE = ""..GCODE.." \n G91 G1 Z0 F"..fProbePrepSpeed.." \n G91 G31.1 Z"..ProbeOperationDistance.." F"..fProbeSpeed
   ---AirBlast ON Script

   mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst,"Air Blast On")
   local hsig2, rc2 = mc.mcSignalGetHandle(inst, mc.OSIG_OUTPUT0) -- RELAY FOR TOOL SETTER AIR BLAST
   mc.mcSignalSetState(hsig2, 1); --sets OUTPUT_0 to True
   local ActivateSignalTime2 = 1000 --Time in milliseconds that we want the signal to be active.
   mc.mcSignalSetState(hsig2, 0); --sets OUTPUT_0 to True
   mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst,"Air Blast Off")

--   GCODE = "G90 G53 G31.1 G1 Z"..probestart.." F"..fProbePrepSpeed
--    GCODE = ""..GCODE.." \n G91 G1 Z0 F"..fProbePrepSpeed.." \n G91 G31.1 Z"..ProbeOperationDistance.." F"..fProbeSpeed
--   GCODE = "G90 G53 G31.1 G1 Z"..probestart.." F"..fProbePrepSpeed
--    GCODE = ""..GCODE.." \n G91 G1 Z0 F"..fProbePrepSpeed.." \n G91 G31.1 Z"..ProbeOperationDistance.." F"..fProbeSpeed   
   mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst,"Z Move down to probe position: "..probestart);
   mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst,"Tool tip wil be "..TipMath.."mm above the table when probing starts.");
   TipMath = 0
   -- Set Z to old tool probed Z for correct z height for new tool
--Make sure the probe made contact
didStrike = mc.mcCntlProbeGetStrikeStatus(inst);

if (didStrike == 0)
   mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst,"Probe did not make contact");


mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst,"Probe strike #2 occured Tool Change to continue.");

-- Change tool enditing
local rc = mc.mcToolSetCurrent(inst,requestedTool);
local newlyToolIdx = mc.mcToolGetCurrent(inst);

-- Move back to a safe Z position
MyNum = FinalSafeZ_AfterChange
MyNum = wx.wxGetNumberFromUser("Confim Movement to safe Z height", "Z Axis will move UP to Z machine coordinate: ", "Z Movement Confirmation", FinalSafeZ_AfterChange, -600, 600)--Default, min, max

  if (MyNum == -1) then  --1 is cancel
      mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst,"Move up to Safe Z cancelled");
   elseif (MyNum < 0) then
   FinalSafeZ_AfterChange = MyNum

   mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst,"Z Move UP to Safe Z: "..FinalSafeZ_AfterChange);
   mc.mcCntlGcodeExecuteWait(inst,"G90 G53 G1 Z"..FinalSafeZ_AfterChange.." F"..RapidRate..""); -- Moves Z asis up to clear new tool


-- Move X/Y back to org

wx.wxMessageBox("Moving tool over original position X"..requestedTool.." Y"..orgY.." press ENTER to continue");
--fix this
mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst,"Moving tool over original machine coordinates position X"..orgX.." Y"..orgY.."");
mc.mcCntlGcodeExecuteWait(inst, "G90 G1 X"..orgX.." Y"..orgY.." F"..RapidRate.."");
--mc.mcCntlGcodeExecuteWait(inst, "G90 G53 G1 Z"..MyNum.." F"..RapidRate..""); ;
--Move to zero Z with new tool

wx.wxMessageBox("Moving tool tip to original Work Offset Z "..orgZ.." press ENTER to continue");
mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst,"Moving tool original work coordinate Z "..orgZ.."");

mc.mcCntlGcodeExecuteWait(inst,"G90 G1 Z"..orgZ.." F"..RapidRate.."");; -- Move Z to org pos

--Restore Position mode, units & feed

-- Execute some G code to force modal label UI to refresh
-- else, ui and interal settings are out of sync which can cause operator errors

mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst,"Tool Change Complete!");


if (mc.mcInEditor() == 1) then