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Author Topic: Made a BooBoo in Screen Load script...  (Read 700 times)

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Made a BooBoo in Screen Load script...
« on: January 03, 2022, 07:32:18 PM »
Evening all,
I was working on creating a global variable in the Screen Load Script and accidentally but a function that calls for the machine instance...before the instance was "gotten".  :o ;D

Now I cannot open Mach4 without an error stating that it expected a number but got "nil" then it shuts down on line...blaah, blah, blah.

I tried going in and editing the script through the mach4hobby folder but it  does not let me save. So instead, I copied the file, named it something else, edited it, deleted the old script and then renamed the new one I made to the old files name....but miraculously it reverts back to the version with the error?!?

Any suggestions?
Re: Made a BooBoo in Screen Load script...
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2022, 08:09:44 PM »

Followed DazTheGas' video on youtube for "Repair Mach4 Screenset"
