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Author Topic: Anyone using Xbox Controller with Win10?  (Read 880 times)

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Anyone using Xbox Controller with Win10?
« on: September 22, 2020, 01:47:35 PM »
Greetings to the forum et al,
Neophyte alert.
Proper respect to the wizard's and their considered replies I have been absorbing over the weeks since I started up in earnest
Whilst observing the umbrella rule "There are no dumb questions",...
Can somebody help with my kinda rough go at the XBox controller install?
As it stands:
After I install the DLL for Xbox to C:/Mach3/Plugins and then restart, I get a dialogue box stating that the DLL is corrupt and then boots with another stating "Ignoring bad DLL and starting up anyway (you bone head)"

Is this another matter to deal with regarding Win10 and .dll files? My OS is up to date as of Sept 2020 and I wouldn't be here if my single SSD drive hadn't bit the dust on my shop laptop that was running Win7 offline. This really hurt me to the core btw

Also does it matter if the controller is an XboxOne? I think I will at least have to order a proper corded earlier model anyway.
But the controller I bought only has a few other features. I certainly can't get as far as to adjust the Vendor ID etc.

Best regards peeps.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2020, 01:53:10 PM by Lucid_moments »

Offline reuelt

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Re: Anyone using Xbox Controller with Win10?
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2020, 08:13:25 AM »
Thanks @reuelt
giving it a try today.
Lets see if this XBox One version will do.