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Author Topic: Error after Closing Motor Tuning Mach3  (Read 934 times)

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Error after Closing Motor Tuning Mach3
« on: August 06, 2019, 03:50:04 PM »
I am getting Mach3 setup on a new system (I can't use Mach4 because as far as I know, the DDUM4 board is not supported). I was trying to configure the steps/in/mm and I can enter the steps in and click Save but when I click Ok (or just try and close that dialog box), I get an error from mach and the options to try and continue or stop and if I click Y to continue it keeps showing the same error and No closes the program. So I am stuck not being able to set the steps for my steppers. I even looked thinking I can maybe modify the config file directly but it seems to be a binary file. Anyone else see this or know a way around it? Mach3 .43 (only download on the Download section, so I assume it is the latest build). Windows 7.
Re: Error after Closing Motor Tuning Mach3
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2019, 09:52:52 PM »
Works fine on the computer I was
Going to use it on (win10). The initial laptop I was using for testing (win7) has the crash.