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Author Topic: Tool Change and Bright Idea  (Read 849 times)

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Offline mark4

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Tool Change and Bright Idea
« on: July 28, 2019, 09:07:46 PM »
Hello All I am writing a tool change program for a rebuilt Cincinati Milicron. Just starting really. I made a screen tab and plotted all my inputs and outputs to leds. Then I got an idea for displaying the carousel. i started with a circle and that failed. So i increased an led to ridiculous size and placed 21 dro's around it. The object to display which tool is in the spindle and each tool number and position in the carousel. Easy math just take tool in spindle and add or subtract for which position you are in and repeat around the carousel. So i will post the tab if i can figure out how. Can somebody point me to a place i can read up on how to do this to a dro. Or tell me how to program this into a dro. clueless right now but it should be simple. Thank you Mark