Well through lots of looking on the net, I finally figured out one way to do it with code. If someone has a better idea let me know. I can now hit the button on the screen and the Z will goto the value I have set in the ToolDownDRO. I think this way I can use the ToolDownDRO and ToolUpDRO for manual tool changes. I also have a button that will be able to retract and extend the slide carousel and Powered draw bar. I now need to work on the coding of how to rotate the carousel and select tools from withing the carousel. This side of things is all just for the manual tool change process using the ATC.
ToolDownDRO = 2001 'ToolDownDRO code
SetUserDRO(ToolDownDRO, -2.5) 'Z Height to pickup or drop tool
MyDROVal = GetUserDRO(ToolDownDRO) 'Get Current Value of ToolDownDRO
code "G53G0 Z" Z-2.5