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Author Topic: Controlling the toolchanger through Mach 3  (Read 5548 times)

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Controlling the toolchanger through Mach 3
« on: September 04, 2014, 11:34:03 AM »
I just got a used Emco Turn55 lathe. I am replacing the stepper controller with a Gecko 540 and plan to run it with Mach 3. My dilemma is how to control the 3 position toolchanger. The toolchanger requires approximately a 1 second signal to move 1 position. Can a macro be written in Mach 3 to use one of the Gecko outputs to move it on a tool change command? Any suggestions would be appreciated!
Re: Controlling the toolchanger through Mach 3
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2014, 02:02:18 PM »
Its not hard to write such a macro, you will find many examples in this forum. You will need to assign an output pin number to a signal number, then use a macro to set that signal on and off. If you intend to use the wizards to generate the code you will have to manually edit the code to include the macro.