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Author Topic: I would pay to have fixed  (Read 2453 times)

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I would pay to have fixed
« on: October 21, 2013, 06:15:02 PM »
I want so bad to be able to do cnc machining, but maybe it is just too complex for me. SO I started with a 6040 Chinese machine just to see if this hobby was for me. I LOVE IT, BUT, I am having issues. Since day one, on SOME things I want to cut, the machine stalls. It just starts to make a grinding / binding noise, then starts to move properly again however, it is way off course. I have tinkered with motor tuning, feeds and speeds of my VECTRIC software and I can't fix it. Sometimes I will cut an entire project with NO issues, and other times I cant get thru one piece. Not sure how many know of the VECTRIC free project called the "BLING BOX". I cut the sides and bottom out PERFECTLY. Now I am trying to cut the top. After 3 failed attempts, I set my speed in my VECTRIC software tool path to 2200 mm per minute and plunge to 700 per minute. I ran the entire tool path in thin air with NO WOOD, and it ran the whole thing perfect. I put a piece of pine on the machine, and it stalled on line 336. NEVER stalls on the same point. There seems to be NO consistency to when it will do it.

ANY IDEAS? I would pay someone to fly to Arizona and fix this problem. I want to buy a new 48x96 machine, but if I cant get the little one to work why spend 20K on a big one right??

Anyway, below are my specs, and I have also attached my .xml file. This is ALL the info I know, so if you start asking me about screws, pitches, frequencies etc, I will be lost. One thing I will tell you is the MFG told me to set the machine in mach 3 up like this:

Steps: 640
Velocity: 2500 XY 800 Z
Accel: 200 XY 150 Z

When I set Steps to 640 everything is doubled. I run the step calculator in Mach 3 and it says to set steps to 320 so I did.

Dell Computer running windows XP
Chinese 6040z + S65J
VFD SPindle usually run at 300khz or 18000 rpm

.XML attached

Any help and patience would be appreciated, and if the help is I am over my head, so be it. I just gotta know cause it has been driving me nuts for 6 months now.

Offline Tweakie.CNC

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Re: I would pay to have fixed
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2013, 02:30:10 AM »
Perhaps the first thing you should try is cutting your Velocity and Acceleration settings, in motor tuning, by 50% (for all axes) and see if this cures the problem.
(A G01 feed-rate of 2200 mm/min may be a little optimistic for the Chinese 6040).

Re: I would pay to have fixed
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2013, 08:56:11 AM »
On it...thanks for the guidance. I will let you know how it goes.
