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Author Topic: Uncommanded moves  (Read 2237 times)

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Uncommanded moves
« on: July 19, 2014, 05:31:59 AM »
Take a look at the DRO and then the program and you can see that it's decided to go off to an uncommanded position in X and Z.
All I've done is to home the machine, use the MPG to get to the position I want to take the cut and then click XYX to zero.
Clearly it's not logging that the position it's in when I clicked the X and Z were obviously the last position, and it's trying to get back to where it thinks those are.
Whether this is just a bug in the Aqua Screen or if it's a more general issue I don't know.
I'm just stunned that something that's as mature a product as this it so flaky. It's frankly dangerous.

If you then go on to tell the X axis to move to a new position and then run the program again, you see the Y axis only changes on the DRO but the X moves as well and you get a slope!!!!!!!
« Last Edit: July 19, 2014, 05:39:18 AM by striplar »