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Author Topic: Newbie with Installation Problem  (Read 2186 times)

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Newbie with Installation Problem
« on: March 24, 2013, 04:51:41 PM »
Hi everyone,
 I have just download Mach3 v3.043.066 from the ArtSoft website for installation on an XP Desktop machine.  Upon running the execution file, I see a black DOS screen pop-up momentarily and that's as far as it goes.  I have tried to install on 3 different XP computers all with the same results.  Nothing.  On my windows 7 laptop the installer comes up, as it should for installation.  On the XP machines, if I right click and choose "run as", I get an error message regarding 16-bit MS-DOS Subsystem and the message telling me that "A temporary file needed for initialization could not be created or could not be written to."
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated... I can't figure it out. 
Re: Newbie with Installation Problem
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2013, 05:33:42 PM »
Seems I finally resolved the problem.  I had originally downloaded the program onto my laptop, copied the file to a flash drive for transfer to my desktop computer.  There's obviously something that Mach 3 doesn't like about being copied from one computer to another.   Finally, connected the desktop to the internet, downloaded the file onto it, ran the installer and everything worked just like it was supposed too.  Glad that one's over. :)