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Author Topic: NFS Turn wizard not loading  (Read 6516 times)

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NFS Turn wizard not loading
« on: November 24, 2012, 05:35:07 PM »

I saw evidence that someone else had this problem in the large NFS Turn thread but I saw no reply to it so I am asking in this thread.

I have mach3 Ver: R3.043.066 fully licensed
also Licensed NFS wizards
all other wizards work in the turn and mill sides but the NFSturn does not.

in the Cam Function Addons window NFSturn is listed. But under description it says "No Description", and under Author it says "UnKnown"

When selected and clicked on the main window is just cleared. Then Mach3 shuts down and says "Error found, Art Code: 8877, Attempt Recover?". Sometimes it says Art Code: 9991.

I have updated Mach3 to the latest version. I have reloaded the NFSturn files in the Turnaddons folder. Everything else seems to work fine. I have no idea what to try next. Any help appreciated.
Re: NFS Turn wizard not loading
« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2012, 07:45:30 PM »
in the Cam Function Addons window NFSturn is listed. But under description it says "No Description", and under Author it says "UnKnown"

This can only mean the wizard is not properly installed, although I dont see how it could show up in the list of Function Names.

The wizard should be unzipped so that the NFSturn.set file is at C:\Mach3\Turnaddons\NFSturn\NFSturn.set There should be 6 files in this folder as well, Changelog.txt, GcodeEnd.tap, GcodeInit.tap, Init,m1s, NFStrun.set.def, and Threads.txt, as well as a folder called Bitmaps.

If teh Init.m1s is missing things dont get setup right in teh wizards. If either Gcode file or the Threads file is missing it will get an error, which should show in the Error window.

I really need to work on the code so that it tests for teh files and gives an error message in a box, not just on the error line.

Re: NFS Turn wizard not loading
« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2012, 09:19:42 PM »
Hi Ron,

Thank you for the quick response.

I got it working although I'm not clear what was wrong. Something with the files being transferred to the computer on the lathe.

I downloaded the file on my Mac and unzipped them, then transferred those files to my IBM connected to the lathe. I viewed the files on the lathe computer but they looked small. As you can see in the attached pic. The files that were 1 and 2 KB's were showing as 4 KB's on my Mac. So I copied the whole zip file to the CNC IBM and unzipped it on that computer and installed them. The files still show up as the small sizes but now the wizard works. They must have been corrupted in the transfer.

Thank you for the help, the great forum, and the awesome programs.

Re: NFS Turn wizard not loading
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2012, 07:58:48 AM »
Those dont look like bad sizes. The Gcode files are basically empty unless you have special code you wish to put there, like some kind of machine init routine. The changle log is just a few lines of text, and the Threads file has only a few lines of sample data- its up to you to edit it to contain the threads you commonly use, and the values you like for thread depth.

But I would expect better luck with un-zip on the PC not the MAC.