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Messages - Hugo Carradini

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Spanish / Re: Mitad del Gcode fuera del área de corte
« on: December 29, 2014, 10:24:21 PM »
Me da la impresion den que es posible que cuando hago el diseño y lo guardo tal vez esta marcando el punto cero en el centro del diseño y no al extremo inferior izquierdo que es el que yo deseo tener para comenzar a cortar,. Al regresar de vacaciones voy a revisar.

Spanish / Mitad del Gcode fuera del área de corte
« on: December 26, 2014, 09:14:43 PM »
Buenas tardes amigos y Feliz Navidad.
No soy experto pero tengo 6 años cortando con Mach3 y siempre que cargo un Gcode este queda centrado dentro del area de corte paro de repente (no se si des-configure algo accidentalmente ) los últimos Gcodes están quedando centrados  al punto cero de la mesa de manera que la mitad del Gcode queda fuera del area de corte hacia la izquierda y hacia abajo. Agradecería mucho si me pudieran orientar en la solucion a este problema.
Gracias de antemano

Hello Hood
It turns out that Mach is working very well the problem is that the program issuing the code G is hurt one furthest extension Mach and so could not read the file. I am sorry but when you do not know enough about computers anything scares. For now I'm working with Mach2.mm.cnc furthest extension and the only thing is I can not see the work on the screen before cutting. Just as I begin to see as the machine is cutting. So far I've been cutting normally.
Thanks for helping

How do i athach my XML?

Hello Hood
I dont have home switches and my hardware is PDMX-122 card, 4 steppers PK296A1A-SG7.2, 4 Gecko G230V, 28 tooth pinion with 7.2:1 Gerabox.

I am not able to load my old archives for cutting and wont give any signal in the status field when I tried to load them. I am making new archives and saving them in estension Mach3gb-Arcs(inch){*.TAP} for these test and the other options I have are  Mach2mm(*.cnc) and Mach2inc(*.cnc)
The main problem is when I start the machine and send it to GO TO 0, the Z axis goes all the way up out limits, and when it gets to 0 it goes  all the way down  .
The panel shows AbNormal condition (axis are not refere to normal condition) or (currently in english units) and changes mm setting to inches setting.
Thanks for helping

Hello Friends
My name is Hugo  Carradini .
4 days ago I was presented a problem opening a file for court Mach3 trailed off and then I could not reload my cut files and did not give me any message at the bottom of the screen.
I use this oportunity  to clean the computer and update with the Mach 3, which is available on the main page . Then i enter my Lic and updated my XML file. Cheked the pulse test and everything was ok . Then try to place the machine in position O but the X axis is at 800,000 and i dont no how to put it in O . I guess y made something wrong. I have been working the last 5 year with no problems and i guess i forgot the setting stuff
When I cut and stop the machine and ask Mach  to cut from that point, the Z axis goes to heaven and of course lose the preset position. If shipping to home is the same to heaven and get to O sinks to inf ....
Definitely I have to make some adjustments and I have no idea so I would appreciate your help. It is something basic but i  belong in that group who is expert in anything computers . I havs be
I also switch to inches when I make a change file to make another cut .
I really appreciate any help.
Thanks and excuse my english

Spanish / Actualice Mach pero tengo problemas cn el eje Z
« on: January 18, 2014, 01:55:19 PM »
Hola Amigos
Me llamo Hugo Carradini y tengo una licencia de Mach desde el 2007.
Hace 4 dias se me presento un problema abriendo un archivo para corte , se apago Mach y luego no pude volver a cargar mis archivos de corte y no me daba ningun mensaje en la parte inferior de la pantalla.
Oproveche para limpiar la computadora y actualize con el Mach 3 que esta disponible en la pagina principal. Luego de actualizado ingrese mi Lic y mi archivo XML. Trate de colocar la maquina en posicion O pero el eje X queda en 800.000 y no se ponerlo en O .
Cuando corto y detengo la maquina y le pido que corte desde ese punto, el eje Z se va al cielo y por supuesto pierdo la posicion preestablecida. Si lo envio a Home pasa lo mismo al cielo y al llegar a O se hunde al inf....
Definitivamente tengo que hacer algunos ajustes y no tengo idea asi que les agradeceria mucho su ayuda. Se que es algo basico pero pertenesco a ese grupo que es experto en nada de compuadoras.
Tambien me cambia a pulgadas cuando hago un cambio de archivo para hacer otro corte en fin, les agradesco lo que puedan hacer por mi  y gracias de antemano.

Sorry for not answering before. All the problem was in the CAM program. Mach still the leader and a great program.

Hello Hood. I tried to attach the archives but allways get the same answer "There is already an attachment with the same filename as the one you tried to upload. Please rename the file and try again" I don't understand what to do. Sorry for my poor internet handling.

General Mach Discussion / Mach wont read a pentagon or tiangle or a star
« on: February 18, 2008, 08:47:27 PM »
Hello guys. I need help to fix a problem i have when i tried to run a program that have a pentagon or a triangle in the design. It looks OK in the cam program and runs nicely but when I take it to Mach it wont show it correctly in the screen and when I run the program the cut is wrong like in the screen. Is there somethin I have to fix in Mach3. Something that is happening lately is that when I make a design and run it in my cam program every thing runs OK but when I take it to Mach some times one or two lines wont show correctly. I guess it is connected to the pentagon and triangle problem. Thanks for the help

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