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Messages - zealous

Flash Screens / Re: No Toolpath
« on: August 19, 2010, 08:56:25 PM »
also check out :

I will have TCP code done as well, so you can talk to anything that commmunicates over an IP to/from Mach.

Flash Screens / Re: No Toolpath
« on: August 19, 2010, 08:54:02 PM »
Thank you for the offering, I was hoping that some one else was doing it  ;)
I will talk to Brain and get one made up.
In the mean time use this fla and select rhe objet and copy and past the code.
If you need any help email me.

Flash Screens / Re: Flash Screen - execute G-Code
« on: August 19, 2010, 04:12:41 PM »
oppps that is a mistake on the toolpath code that is the old one:

Code: [Select]
//Toolpathscreen 1/////
fscommand("Tool1", "Show");
fscommand("Tool1X", "100");
fscommand("Tool1Y", "100");
fscommand("Tool1Width", "100");
fscommand("Tool1Height", "100");

Flash Screens / Re: No Toolpath
« on: August 19, 2010, 04:11:35 PM »
or simply do:

Code: [Select]
//Toolpathscreen 1/////
fscommand("Tool1", "Show");
fscommand("Tool1X", "100");
fscommand("Tool1Y", "100");
fscommand("Tool1Width", "100");
fscommand("Tool1Height", "100");

Flash Screens / Re: No Toolpath
« on: August 19, 2010, 04:09:51 PM »
Yes the toolpath code has changed since now you can display up to 25 toolpaths:
Acualy this code would be best, place this code on the starting frame( it is a global function and only needes to be seen once)
Code: [Select]
/////////Display toolpath ("TN" is the argument tool to display)////////
_global.gettool = function(TN) {

// X Y positioning
ToolX = getProperty(machscreen_mov, _x);
ToolY = getProperty(machscreen_mov, _y);

// find height width
ToolWidth = getProperty(machscreen_mov, _width);
ToolHeight = getProperty(machscreen_mov, _height);

///Send to mach "TN" is toolpath////////
fscommand("Tool"+TN, "Show");
fscommand("Tool"+TN+"X", ToolX);
fscommand("Tool"+TN+"Y", ToolY);
fscommand("Tool"+TN+"Width", ToolWidth);
fscommand("Tool"+TN+"Height", ToolHeight);


then call on it with
Code: [Select]

One way is to set a UserLED when the user presses the RFH and reset the LED when they press the start and in your macro's check the state of the LED.
The "Estimating LED" LED18 will be active while it processing the RFH...so you could possiable use that LED.

Just to make sure I always have in my macros:

Code: [Select]
'Are we loading the file
If (Isloading() = 0) Then
End IF

Flash Screens / Re: Flash Screen - execute G-Code
« on: August 12, 2010, 05:17:21 AM »
You can do it 3 ways:

Code: [Select]
on (release) {
fscommand("MDIEntry", "G0X1.2Y3.4");


Code: [Select]
on (release) {
fscommand("Code", "G0X1.2Y3.5");

Code: [Select]
on (release) {
fscommand("VBMacro", 'Code"G0X1.2Y33.4"');

I think you just didnt have the G0 in there.

Flash Screens / Re: Flash Screen - execute G-Code
« on: August 12, 2010, 05:15:14 AM »
------------------------------------- SENDING to MACH CODE--------------------------------------------

VB SEND:Will send VB box text

Code: [Select]
on (release) {
fscommand("VBMacro", “*********X”);

BUTTON SEND:Send a button OEM code

Code: [Select]
on (release) {
fscommand("Button" , "*********" );

OPEN FILE: Open any file exstention out side of MACH

Code: [Select]
on (release) {
fscommand ("exec", "XCONTROL.exe");


Code: [Select]
on (release) {
fscommand("MDIEntry", _root.box);


Code: [Select]
on (release) {
fscommand("Code", "M1");

------------------------------------- RECIVING IN Flash CODE--------------------------------------------

DRO: Numiracl updates

Code: [Select]

DRO format: Format DRO readings

Code: [Select]
fscommand ("DROFmt800" , "format" )

/////////////////////THESE CAN USE as wel for formatting/////////////////////////////////////////////////////

// "%D:%H:%M:%S"/////Days:Hours:Minutes:Seconds/////////

//  "+%.4f" ////(f)loating point number, (4) decimal points, (+) or - /////////

// "%i" ///integer, no decimals /////////////

// "%x" ////hex number//////////////


Code: [Select]
Mode.variable=" Mode";  


Code: [Select]
Cosys.variable=" Cosys";  


Code: [Select]
ERROR.variable=" ERROR";  

Code: [Select]
Profile.variable=" Profile";  

Status Line:
Code: [Select]
StatusLine.variable=" StatusLine";  


Code: [Select]
FileName.variable=" FileName";  

LED: Function to watch an OEM LED’s state of “0” or “1”

Code: [Select]
if (_root.LED1024 == 0) {
} else {

this.Function = function(varName, oldVal, newVal) {
if (newVal == 0) {
} else {
return newVal;
this.watch("LED1024", this. Function);

REMOVE SCREEN: Positioning and scaling

Code: [Select]
fscommand("ToolWidth", -1);

SCREN SCALING: scaling Screens

Code: [Select]
on (release) {
ToolXScale._xscale += 10.0;
ToolYScale._yscale += 10.0;

////////Send stage size///////

Code: [Select]
fscommand("StageW", Stage.width);
fscommand("StageH", Stage.height);


Code: [Select]
//keeping track getting property

// X Y positioning
_root.ToolX = getProperty(machscreen_mov, _x);
_root.ToolY = getProperty(machscreen_mov, _y);
// find height width
_root.ToolWidth = getProperty(machscreen_mov, _width);
_root.ToolHeight = getProperty(machscreen_mov, _height);
//find scale factor
_root.xscale = getProperty(machscreen_mov, _xscale);
_root.yscale = getProperty(machscreen_mov, _yscale);
//Sending Fscommand add what ever we can control here
fscommand("ToolX", _root.ToolX);
fscommand("ToolY", _root.ToolY);
fscommand("ToolWidth", _root.ToolWidth);
fscommand("ToolHeight", _root.ToolHeight);
////End script/////////////

   //////GCode watch//////////
Code: [Select]
//keeping track getting property
//X Y position
_root.GCODEX = getProperty(GCODE_mov, _x);
_root.GCODEY = getProperty(GCODE_mov, _y);
//Movie size
_root.GCODEHeight = getProperty(GCODE_mov, _height);
_root.GCODEWidth = getProperty(GCODE_mov, _width);
//Movi scale factor
_root.GCODExscale = getProperty(GCODE_mov, _xscale);
_root.GCODEyscale = getProperty(GCODE_mov, _yscale);
//Sending Fscommand add what ever we can control here
fscommand("GCODEX", _root.GCODEX);
fscommand("GCODEY", _root.GCODEY);
fscommand("GCODEWidth", _root.GCODEWidth);
fscommand("GCODEHeight", _root.GCODEHeight);
////////end script///////////

   //////MDI watch//////////
Code: [Select]
//keeping track getting property
//X Y position
_root.MDIX = getProperty(MDI_mov, _x);
_root.MDIY = getProperty(MDI_mov, _y);
//Movie size
_root.MDIHeight = getProperty(MDI_mov, _height);
_root.MDIWidth = getProperty(MDI_mov, _width);
//Movi scale factor
_root.MDIxscale = getProperty(MDI_mov, _xscale);
_root.MDIyscale = getProperty(MDI_mov, _yscale);
//Sending Fscommand add what ever we can control here
fscommand("MDIX", _root.MDIX);
fscommand("MDIY", _root.MDIY);
fscommand("MDIWidth", _root.MDIWidth);
fscommand("MDIHeight", _root.MDIHeight);
////////end script///////////


General Mach Discussion / Re: Turn off E-Stop
« on: July 29, 2010, 03:17:33 PM »

If your Estop isnt reseting you may need to change the active low setting:

Config/Ports and Pins/InputSignal/
Scroll down to "Estop" and change your Active Low

Either that or turn off softlimits.