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Messages - laconcepts

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / Re: loading screens etc
« on: February 09, 2011, 09:17:19 AM »
Hello Hood,
I will have to check. I know I havent updated it in a couple years. I have another computer that I am wanting to get set up on the machine. Thats why Im trying to back everything up. I had loaded the lasted version on the newer PC but I couldnt get anything to work. Thas my main reason for making the posts. To find out what exact files to back up and where exactly to put them. My machine came set up when I bought it so I didnt have to deal with this then. Ive been watching alot of the Mach 3 tutorials to learn more but havent seen anything specific on this subject.
I will check it out this evenning and see what version it is. Maybe I can even do a screenshot of the folder.
Thanks for your time.

General Mach Discussion / Re: loading screens etc
« on: February 08, 2011, 11:31:58 PM »
Thank you Hood. I did not see that folder but I will look for that particular file. I will let you know what I find. That helps alot. Thank you

General Mach Discussion / Re: loading screens etc
« on: February 07, 2011, 10:32:28 PM »
One more question gentlemen.. Where can I find the BRAINS?? I searched around in the Mach folder but I guess I dont know what Im looking for.
Thank you again

General Mach Discussion / Re: loading screens etc
« on: February 07, 2011, 02:38:54 PM »
Outstanding Gerry. That is most of what Im looking for.. After digging around in the Mach files and seeing the other files in there.. just moving over the .xml and .set files didnt seem correct.  Im learining more and more about how it all works behind the screens.

Thank you very much.

General Mach Discussion / Re: loading screens etc
« on: February 07, 2011, 12:51:04 PM »
Thank u gentlemen. That is some pretty good information.
I was aware that the xml file house the configurations.
Since i have two profiles.. When open Mach it prompt me to choose the profile that i want to use. I guess i was hoping that the configs shared settings but that aparently isnt the case. Thats kool though. At least i know that now. Hehe
Now still my main issue is still the same. I need to get this other computer working. I have already loaded a new version of Mach. I have copied and installed the XML, .SET and bitmaps into the new Mach. I have seen that there are other files like the Macros folders that i saw for each profile. I just dont know what all i need to copy and where to put those files

Finished Screens / Re: Mach3 Aqua
« on: February 06, 2011, 10:05:26 PM »
Thank you for the link. I have them now and will attempt to load them when I set up my new PC.
Nice work and thank you again.

General Mach Discussion / Re: loading screens etc
« on: February 06, 2011, 10:00:47 PM »
Thank you rrc.. I have both screens now and they are diffinately different from each other. The plasma has all of the Torch height control features and others and the router has some other specific features as well. My main concern is when moving all of this over to a new PC and a new updated version of Mach 3, what all do I copy and where do they all go. the one time I tried it I copied the .xml and .set files as instructed but it was obvious that it wasnt correct. I took it upon myself to copy the bitmaps and then the screens looked correct. Since I made my original post I went to the shop and looked around it Mach some more and noticed a Macros folder that had a subfolder for each screen in it.. I just dont know what all to copy and what to do with it after I do. There seems to be related files everywhere... hehe.
As far as each screen set having different config data............. I had assumed that they shared all of the configurations by accessing it from a specific place. I naturally do not have a clue as to how they work. It was looking like they did not share the configs when I was looking through the motor tuning and homing and limits settings. I had made some changes in one of the screens and when I switched to the other screen the changes were not there. This may be the way it is suppost to be. I am clueless I guess.
I certain appreicate any information. I am certainly learning alot.

General Mach Discussion / loading screens etc
« on: February 06, 2011, 08:24:29 PM »
Hello everyone. Today is my first time posting in the Mach forum.
I have a DynaCNC 4X4 plasma/router. I have been doing all plasma to this point but will be starting some routing on my machine soon.
Since the machine was purchaced ready to run I do not much knowledge of Mach3 behiind the sceens. Meaning, ports and pins, motor tuning homing and limits loading screens etc. I have watched several or the training videos and have picked up a good bit of knowledge.
Now... I am wanting to swap out the PCs and need some info on what to move. I attempted it once but did not have any luck so I put the old PC back on.
I need to know where I can find info on how to do the following.
1. What files need to be copied from the old pc and where exactly to each chf them go.. xml, bitmaps.sets, brains (?) and anything else like that for the machine to work like it did before.
2. I have to screens.. One for plasma and one for routing. When making any adjustsments for homing and limits, motor tuning etc.. the settings do not follow from one screen to another. Is this normal?? If not how do I change it.
3. How do I load new screens?? where do all of the files go.
4. Is there any documentation on any of these topics.

The Mach manual doesnt describe any of this and I have spent a few hours doing some searches in the forum but I just havent had any luck finding what Ineed

I sure would appreciate any assistance.

Finished Screens / Re: Mach3 Aqua
« on: February 06, 2011, 07:54:36 PM »
I just found these screens and I think they look great. I clicked on the link to download them and it said that the URL was not found. Are these screens still available??
Thank you

Pages: 1