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Topics - rrc1962

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General Mach Discussion / Strange CV behaviour
« on: February 03, 2012, 06:08:10 PM »
Just noticed this issue.  When cutting a circle made up of individual line segments, Mach is running in exact stop mode even though it is in CV mode.  None of the CV boxes are checked on general config.  The same circle written to use arcs cut fine.  The offending code is below.  The circle below is code that I've run before successfully, but I don't know how long ago it was, so this is a problem that has come on fairly recently.  Other programs seem to run fine.  Has anyone seen anything like this?  Is there a CV setting somewhere that I changed that could cause this? 


G20 G40 G91.1 M7
G00 X1 Y0.5
G01 X0.9997 Y0.5174F80
G01 X0.9988 Y0.5349F80
G01 X0.9973 Y0.5523F80
G01 X0.9951 Y0.5696F80
G01 X0.9924 Y0.5868F80
G01 X0.9891 Y0.604F80
G01 X0.9851 Y0.621F80
G01 X0.9806 Y0.6378F80
G01 X0.9755 Y0.6545F80
G01 X0.9698 Y0.671F80
G01 X0.9636 Y0.6873F80
G01 X0.9568 Y0.7034F80
G01 X0.9494 Y0.7192F80
G01 X0.9415 Y0.7347F80
G01 X0.933 Y0.75F80
G01 X0.924 Y0.765F80
G01 X0.9145 Y0.7796F80
G01 X0.9045 Y0.7939F80
G01 X0.894 Y0.8078F80
G01 X0.883 Y0.8214F80
G01 X0.8716 Y0.8346F80
G01 X0.8597 Y0.8473F80
G01 X0.8473 Y0.8597F80
G01 X0.8346 Y0.8716F80
G01 X0.8214 Y0.883F80
G01 X0.8078 Y0.894F80
G01 X0.7939 Y0.9045F80
G01 X0.7796 Y0.9145F80
G01 X0.765 Y0.924F80
G01 X0.75 Y0.933F80
G01 X0.7347 Y0.9415F80
G01 X0.7192 Y0.9494F80
G01 X0.7034 Y0.9568F80
G01 X0.6873 Y0.9636F80
G01 X0.671 Y0.9698F80
G01 X0.6545 Y0.9755F80
G01 X0.6378 Y0.9806F80
G01 X0.621 Y0.9851F80
G01 X0.604 Y0.9891F80
G01 X0.5868 Y0.9924F80
G01 X0.5696 Y0.9951F80
G01 X0.5523 Y0.9973F80
G01 X0.5349 Y0.9988F80
G01 X0.5174 Y0.9997F80
G01 X0.5 Y1F80
G01 X0.4826 Y0.9997F80
G01 X0.4651 Y0.9988F80
G01 X0.4477 Y0.9973F80
G01 X0.4304 Y0.9951F80
G01 X0.4132 Y0.9924F80
G01 X0.396 Y0.9891F80
G01 X0.379 Y0.9851F80
G01 X0.3622 Y0.9806F80
G01 X0.3455 Y0.9755F80
G01 X0.329 Y0.9698F80
G01 X0.3127 Y0.9636F80
G01 X0.2966 Y0.9568F80
G01 X0.2808 Y0.9494F80
G01 X0.2653 Y0.9415F80
G01 X0.25 Y0.933F80
G01 X0.235 Y0.924F80
G01 X0.2204 Y0.9145F80
G01 X0.2061 Y0.9045F80
G01 X0.1922 Y0.894F80
G01 X0.1786 Y0.883F80
G01 X0.1654 Y0.8716F80
G01 X0.1527 Y0.8597F80
G01 X0.1403 Y0.8473F80
G01 X0.1284 Y0.8346F80
G01 X0.117 Y0.8214F80
G01 X0.106 Y0.8078F80
G01 X0.0955 Y0.7939F80
G01 X0.0855 Y0.7796F80
G01 X0.076 Y0.765F80
G01 X0.067 Y0.75F80
G01 X0.0585 Y0.7347F80
G01 X0.0506 Y0.7192F80
G01 X0.0432 Y0.7034F80
G01 X0.0364 Y0.6873F80
G01 X0.0302 Y0.671F80
G01 X0.0245 Y0.6545F80
G01 X0.0194 Y0.6378F80
G01 X0.0149 Y0.621F80
G01 X0.0109 Y0.604F80
G01 X0.0076 Y0.5868F80
G01 X0.0049 Y0.5696F80
G01 X0.0027 Y0.5523F80
G01 X0.0012 Y0.5349F80
G01 X0.0003 Y0.5174F80
G01 X0 Y0.5F80
G01 X0.0003 Y0.4826F80
G01 X0.0012 Y0.4651F80
G01 X0.0027 Y0.4477F80
G01 X0.0049 Y0.4304F80
G01 X0.0076 Y0.4132F80
G01 X0.0109 Y0.396F80
G01 X0.0149 Y0.379F80
G01 X0.0194 Y0.3622F80
G01 X0.0245 Y0.3455F80
G01 X0.0302 Y0.329F80
G01 X0.0364 Y0.3127F80
G01 X0.0432 Y0.2966F80
G01 X0.0506 Y0.2808F80
G01 X0.0585 Y0.2653F80
G01 X0.067 Y0.25F80
G01 X0.076 Y0.235F80
G01 X0.0855 Y0.2204F80
G01 X0.0955 Y0.2061F80
G01 X0.106 Y0.1922F80
G01 X0.117 Y0.1786F80
G01 X0.1284 Y0.1654F80
G01 X0.1403 Y0.1527F80
G01 X0.1527 Y0.1403F80
G01 X0.1654 Y0.1284F80
G01 X0.1786 Y0.117F80
G01 X0.1922 Y0.106F80
G01 X0.2061 Y0.0955F80
G01 X0.2204 Y0.0855F80
G01 X0.235 Y0.076F80
G01 X0.25 Y0.067F80
G01 X0.2653 Y0.0585F80
G01 X0.2808 Y0.0506F80
G01 X0.2966 Y0.0432F80
G01 X0.3127 Y0.0364F80
G01 X0.329 Y0.0302F80
G01 X0.3455 Y0.0245F80
G01 X0.3622 Y0.0194F80
G01 X0.379 Y0.0149F80
G01 X0.396 Y0.0109F80
G01 X0.4132 Y0.0076F80
G01 X0.4304 Y0.0049F80
G01 X0.4477 Y0.0027F80
G01 X0.4651 Y0.0012F80
G01 X0.4826 Y0.0003F80
G01 X0.5 Y0F80
G01 X0.5174 Y0.0003F80
G01 X0.5349 Y0.0012F80
G01 X0.5523 Y0.0027F80
G01 X0.5696 Y0.0049F80
G01 X0.5868 Y0.0076F80
G01 X0.604 Y0.0109F80
G01 X0.621 Y0.0149F80
G01 X0.6378 Y0.0194F80
G01 X0.6545 Y0.0245F80
G01 X0.671 Y0.0302F80
G01 X0.6873 Y0.0364F80
G01 X0.7034 Y0.0432F80
G01 X0.7192 Y0.0506F80
G01 X0.7347 Y0.0585F80
G01 X0.75 Y0.067F80
G01 X0.765 Y0.076F80
G01 X0.7796 Y0.0855F80
G01 X0.7939 Y0.0955F80
G01 X0.8078 Y0.106F80
G01 X0.8214 Y0.117F80
G01 X0.8346 Y0.1284F80
G01 X0.8473 Y0.1403F80
G01 X0.8597 Y0.1527F80
G01 X0.8716 Y0.1654F80
G01 X0.883 Y0.1786F80
G01 X0.894 Y0.1922F80
G01 X0.9045 Y0.2061F80
G01 X0.9145 Y0.2204F80
G01 X0.924 Y0.235F80
G01 X0.933 Y0.25F80
G01 X0.9415 Y0.2653F80
G01 X0.9494 Y0.2808F80
G01 X0.9568 Y0.2966F80
G01 X0.9636 Y0.3127F80
G01 X0.9698 Y0.329F80
G01 X0.9755 Y0.3455F80
G01 X0.9806 Y0.3622F80
G01 X0.9851 Y0.379F80
G01 X0.9891 Y0.396F80
G01 X0.9924 Y0.4132F80
G01 X0.9951 Y0.4304F80
G01 X0.9973 Y0.4477F80
G01 X0.9988 Y0.4651F80
G01 X0.9997 Y0.4826F80
G01 X1 Y0.5F80
G00 Z0.375
G00 X0 Y0

This is an odd problem.  In the code below, I get the error message "Error line 64 - Internal Error - <Dialog>".  Line 64 is.....

button = Dialog( Dlg1 )

See code segment below.  I developed a really cool screenset using a number of these dialog functions.  I developed it on my laptop running Win7 and it all works perfectly.  When I run the same code on XP, I get the above error.

Has anyone seen this before?  Is there something from microsoft that I need to install to make the Dialog function work in XP?


Begin Dialog UserDialog1 20,40,240,110,"Enter Circle Parameters", .enable
  OKButton 190,20,40,14
  CancelButton 190,40,40,14
  text 10,10,40,10, "Width"
  text 10,25,40,10, "Height"
  text 10,40,40,10, "Kerf Width"
  text 10,55,40,10, "Feed Rate"
  text 10,70,40,10, "Num Points"
  text 10,85,40,10, "Inner Offset"
  textBox 50,10,30,10, x1,.width
  textBox 50,25,30,10, x2,.height
  textBox 50,40,30,10, x3,.kerf
  textBox 50,55,30,10, x4,.feed
  textBox 50,70,30,10, x5,.points
  textBox 50,85,30,10, x6,.offset
  GroupBox 95,10,80,45, "Kerf Compensation", .groupBox1
  OptionGroup .grp1
    OptionButton 105,20,54,10,"None"
    OptionButton 105,30,54,10,"Inside"
    OptionButton 105,40,54,10,"Outside"
End Dialog

Dim Dlg1 As UserDialog1

Dlg1.width = settings(2)
Dlg1.height = settings(3)
Dlg1.kerf = settings(0)
Dlg1.feed = settings(1)
Dlg1.grp1 = settings(12)
Dlg1.points = settings(13)
Dlg1.offset = settings(14)

button = Dialog( Dlg1 )

opt1 = Dlg1.grp1
nWidth = Dlg1.width
nHeight = Dlg1.height
kerf = Dlg1.kerf
feedRt = dlg1.feed
numSides = Dlg1.points
offset = Dlg1.offset

If button = -1 Then

VB and the development of wizards / User Label
« on: October 27, 2011, 09:19:44 AM »
Guys...Is there any way to make a user label persistent?  If I set it's value then close and reopen Mach, the user label is blank.   Thanks

VB and the development of wizards / File open dialog
« on: October 24, 2011, 12:26:56 AM »
Is there a way to open a file open dialog in a VB script.  I'm not trying to load G-Code, so button 216 won't work.  Just need to select a file, open it and do some things with it in VB.  Typing the full path in a DRO is a drag.


General Mach Discussion / Ignore Z
« on: August 16, 2011, 04:35:09 PM »
Is there a way to tell Mach to ignore all Z moves?  For instance, if I wanted to run a program but just cut air with no Z moves.  Rather than generating a separate program with no Z moves, can I just do it in Mach with a setting?


Mach3 under Vista / Win7 32 Bit W/PCI PP card
« on: July 31, 2011, 06:17:54 PM »
Is anyone running something like this?  Of course finding a new PC that is 32 bit will be a challenge, but they must be out there.  We've been using refurbished Dells, but the failure rate lately has been high.  Looking at the possibility of using new PC's. 

General Mach Discussion / Exit Button
« on: July 30, 2011, 04:47:02 PM »
Is there an OEM code to exit Mach3.  Trying to create a mouse free environment...or as mouse free as possible....for a touch screen.


VB and the development of wizards / Compiling Macro Script
« on: June 28, 2011, 11:38:58 PM »
Can you compile a VB script?  It is actually a button script.  If yes, could someone point me in the right direction?

Thanks very much.

General Mach Discussion / Program hanging
« on: June 03, 2011, 11:28:15 AM »
A new issue has come up.  Fairly frequently the G-Code program will hang at the last line.  The program just stops.  There is no error.  The program just stops after executing a G0X0Y0 and before the M30.  The result is that the M30 does not execute, the program does not rewind and the outputs stay on.  See program below.  When it hangs, if I hit estop then reset, the program rewinds and the M30 seems to execute.   Any ideas on what could cause this?  The kicker is that it doesn't do it all the time, just most of the time...and it hung up once on the first line of code.  

 It's a new machine, but I can run the same program over and over all day long on our other machine and it runs fine.  Is there a config setting somewhere that I missed?  The other machine is running a slightly older version of Mach.


G20 G40 G91.1 M7 M1100
G0 Z0.375
G0 X2.94 Y1.47
G04 P0.25
G01 X2.9391 Y1.5213
G01 X2.9364 Y1.5725
G01 X2.9319 Y1.6237
G01 X2.9257 Y1.6746
G01 X2.9177 Y1.7253
G01 X2.9079 Y1.7756
G01 X2.8963 Y1.8256
G01 X2.8831 Y1.8752
G01 X2.8681 Y1.9243
G01 X2.8513 Y1.9728
G01 X2.833 Y2.0207
G01 X2.8129 Y2.0679
G01 X2.7912 Y2.1144
G01 X2.7679 Y2.1601
G01 X2.7431 Y2.205
G01 X2.7166 Y2.249
G01 X2.6887 Y2.292
G01 X2.6593 Y2.334
G01 X2.6284 Y2.375
G01 X2.5961 Y2.4149
G01 X2.5624 Y2.4536
G01 X2.5274 Y2.4911
G01 X2.4911 Y2.5274
G01 X2.4536 Y2.5624
G01 X2.4149 Y2.5961
G01 X2.375 Y2.6284
G01 X2.334 Y2.6593
G01 X2.292 Y2.6887
G01 X2.249 Y2.7166
G01 X2.205 Y2.7431
G01 X2.1601 Y2.7679
G01 X2.1144 Y2.7912
G01 X2.0679 Y2.8129
G01 X2.0207 Y2.833
G01 X1.9728 Y2.8513
G01 X1.9243 Y2.8681
G01 X1.8752 Y2.8831
G01 X1.8256 Y2.8963
G01 X1.7756 Y2.9079
G01 X1.7253 Y2.9177
G01 X1.6746 Y2.9257
G01 X1.6237 Y2.9319
G01 X1.5725 Y2.9364
G01 X1.5213 Y2.9391
G01 X1.47 Y2.94
G01 X1.4187 Y2.9391
G01 X1.3675 Y2.9364
G01 X1.3163 Y2.9319
G01 X1.2654 Y2.9257
G01 X1.2147 Y2.9177
G01 X1.1644 Y2.9079
G01 X1.1144 Y2.8963
G01 X1.0648 Y2.8831
G01 X1.0157 Y2.8681
G01 X0.9672 Y2.8513
G01 X0.9193 Y2.833
G01 X0.8721 Y2.8129
G01 X0.8256 Y2.7912
G01 X0.7799 Y2.7679
G01 X0.735 Y2.7431
G01 X0.691 Y2.7166
G01 X0.648 Y2.6887
G01 X0.606 Y2.6593
G01 X0.565 Y2.6284
G01 X0.5251 Y2.5961
G01 X0.4864 Y2.5624
G01 X0.4489 Y2.5274
G01 X0.4126 Y2.4911
G01 X0.3776 Y2.4536
G01 X0.3439 Y2.4149
G01 X0.3116 Y2.375
G01 X0.2807 Y2.334
G01 X0.2513 Y2.292
G01 X0.2234 Y2.249
G01 X0.1969 Y2.205
G01 X0.1721 Y2.1601
G01 X0.1488 Y2.1144
G01 X0.1271 Y2.0679
G01 X0.107 Y2.0207
G01 X0.0887 Y1.9728
G01 X0.0719 Y1.9243
G01 X0.0569 Y1.8752
G01 X0.0437 Y1.8256
G01 X0.0321 Y1.7756
G01 X0.0223 Y1.7253
G01 X0.0143 Y1.6746
G01 X0.0081 Y1.6237
G01 X0.0036 Y1.5725
G01 X0.0009 Y1.5213
G01 X0 Y1.47
G01 X0.0009 Y1.4187
G01 X0.0036 Y1.3675
G01 X0.0081 Y1.3163
G01 X0.0143 Y1.2654
G01 X0.0223 Y1.2147
G01 X0.0321 Y1.1644
G01 X0.0437 Y1.1144
G01 X0.0569 Y1.0648
G01 X0.0719 Y1.0157
G01 X0.0887 Y0.9672
G01 X0.107 Y0.9193
G01 X0.1271 Y0.8721
G01 X0.1488 Y0.8256
G01 X0.1721 Y0.7799
G01 X0.1969 Y0.735
G01 X0.2234 Y0.691
G01 X0.2513 Y0.648
G01 X0.2807 Y0.606
G01 X0.3116 Y0.565
G01 X0.3439 Y0.5251
G01 X0.3776 Y0.4864
G01 X0.4126 Y0.4489
G01 X0.4489 Y0.4126
G01 X0.4864 Y0.3776
G01 X0.5251 Y0.3439
G01 X0.565 Y0.3116
G01 X0.606 Y0.2807
G01 X0.648 Y0.2513
G01 X0.691 Y0.2234
G01 X0.735 Y0.1969
G01 X0.7799 Y0.1721
G01 X0.8256 Y0.1488
G01 X0.8721 Y0.1271
G01 X0.9193 Y0.107
G01 X0.9672 Y0.0887
G01 X1.0157 Y0.0719
G01 X1.0648 Y0.0569
G01 X1.1144 Y0.0437
G01 X1.1644 Y0.0321
G01 X1.2147 Y0.0223
G01 X1.2654 Y0.0143
G01 X1.3163 Y0.0081
G01 X1.3675 Y0.0036
G01 X1.4187 Y0.0009
G01 X1.47 Y0
G01 X1.5213 Y0.0009
G01 X1.5725 Y0.0036
G01 X1.6237 Y0.0081
G01 X1.6746 Y0.0143
G01 X1.7253 Y0.0223
G01 X1.7756 Y0.0321
G01 X1.8256 Y0.0437
G01 X1.8752 Y0.0569
G01 X1.9243 Y0.0719
G01 X1.9728 Y0.0887
G01 X2.0207 Y0.107
G01 X2.0679 Y0.1271
G01 X2.1144 Y0.1488
G01 X2.1601 Y0.1721
G01 X2.205 Y0.1969
G01 X2.249 Y0.2234
G01 X2.292 Y0.2513
G01 X2.334 Y0.2807
G01 X2.375 Y0.3116
G01 X2.4149 Y0.3439
G01 X2.4536 Y0.3776
G01 X2.4911 Y0.4126
G01 X2.5274 Y0.4489
G01 X2.5624 Y0.4864
G01 X2.5961 Y0.5251
G01 X2.6284 Y0.565
G01 X2.6593 Y0.606
G01 X2.6887 Y0.648
G01 X2.7166 Y0.691
G01 X2.7431 Y0.735
G01 X2.7679 Y0.7799
G01 X2.7912 Y0.8256
G01 X2.8129 Y0.8721
G01 X2.833 Y0.9193
G01 X2.8513 Y0.9672
G01 X2.8681 Y1.0157
G01 X2.8831 Y1.0648
G01 X2.8963 Y1.1144
G01 X2.9079 Y1.1644
G01 X2.9177 Y1.2147
G01 X2.9257 Y1.2654
G01 X2.9319 Y1.3163
G01 X2.9364 Y1.3675
G01 X2.9391 Y1.4187
G01 X2.94 Y1.47
G00 Z0.375
G00 X0 Y0

General Mach Discussion / New setup...and having a problem.
« on: May 30, 2011, 04:21:51 PM »
I decided to try something new.  I've been using the Gecko G540 drive with no problems, but decided to go to larger motors than what the G540 could handle.  Here is the new setup...

- 65V unregulated power supply
- PMDX-122 breakout board
- Gecko G201X drives

The problem is that the motors move in an erratic manner and make a horrible growling noise that resonates through the machine.  It should be running at 600IPM on the rapids but instead is running at about 150, give or take, and bucking and jerking to the point that this 2000 pound machine is moving.  It's a plasma with a 250 pound gantry.

Here's what I've checked...

- Power supply has a clean 63V while the axis is moving, so I know I have enough power.

- Driver test is clean.  Nice flat line.

- Adjusted the Gecko's with no difference.

- Adjusted acceleration up and down and still get growling erratic motion.

- With the electronics shut down, you can move all axes by hand and motion silky smooth.  No binding anywhere.

Any ideas on what could be causing this?  I've used the every component before except the PMDX-122 BB.  Could there be a setting in Mach that I'm missing?


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