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Messages - Chaoticone

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Well, it will definitely make a difference. How big of a difference depends on what it is displaying. But more troubling than a second monitor is what all apps and processes are running? The PC used for Mach should be dedicated to Mach and Mach alone and not have any apps installed (anti-virus, CAD/CAM, etc.) not needed by Mach.

This link should help Pedio,


Google "how to find graphics card specs" and add your operating system to the end. Like this......... how to find graphics card specs windows 8

Hoy and Pedio, do your PCs specs meet the minimum requirements (particularly the graphics card)? If not, expect such issues with large Gcode files. Note: There is no limit for GPU RAM but the larger the Gcdoe files, the more you need.

Also, why use a laptop? Not that you can't, but since the PC controlling Mach should be a dedicated PC (with no apps loaded non-essential to Mach particularly antivirus) I have never been able to come up with a reason to use a laptop.

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: Can i edit or add to a Predefined Macro?
« on: January 26, 2017, 05:05:28 PM »
Have you tried naming it m3?

Got a m3 or m03.mcc or .backup thats needs to be deleted?

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: Lua
« on: January 24, 2017, 04:28:40 PM »
Yup, the dither is going to be there without filtering of some sort. You only want it to change the feedrate if the analog input changes by a certain amount (which you can do in code as Daz did with the table) or there could be filtering in the pokeys for anolog inputs (which I think there is). Filtering the input would be much cleaner and what you have already will work just fine with it.

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: Send Email
« on: January 24, 2017, 10:15:34 AM »
Hmmmmmmm, that error is being generated in the email function. I wont be able to help much with that. I have tested it again this morning and its working fine for me. About the only suggestion I have is to make sure your password and user name is correct in the function. If that is not the problem hopefully Steve or others will reply.

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: Send Email
« on: January 24, 2017, 08:24:54 AM »
This is a tested sample. Obviously the email addresses, host names, ports, passwords, etc. will need to be replaced with the actual ones you plan to use. There are two parts to this example. The button script will go in a buttons clicked script. All it does is run the email function passing it a message (must be a string) as a parameter. The email function goes in the screen load script.

Code: [Select]
--Button Script
email('Hello from a Mach4 machine') --This calls the email function and passes it a message.

--Screen Load Script
-- Email added 8-30-2016
--Helpful link http://w3.impa.br/~diego/software/luasocket/smtp.html
function email(message)
    package.path = package.path .. ';./Modules/?.lua;'
    package.cpath = package.cpath .. ';./Modules/?.dll;'

    -- load the smtp support
    local smtp = require('/socket.smtp')
from = '<fromname@hostname.net>' --email address of sender

    rcpt = {
        '<toname1@hostname.net>', --email address of recipient
'<toname2@hostname.net>', --email address of carbon copied recipient
'<toname3@hostname.net>' --email address of blind carbon copied recipient. They will be blind because we will not list them in the header

    mesgt = {
        headers = {
            from = 'From Name <fromname@hostname.net>', --name and email address of sender. Example: 'John Doe <originaljdoe@anyhost.net>'
            to = 'To Name <toname1@hostname.net>', --name and email address of recipient
cc = 'To Name <toname2@hostname.net>', --name and email address of someone being carbon copied
subject = 'Mail from a Mach4 machine' --email subject
        body = tostring(message)

    r, e = smtp.send{
        from = from,
        rcpt = rcpt,
        source = smtp.message(mesgt),
        server = 'mail.myhost.net', --this is the address or IP of the mail server used to send this email. smtp.gmail.com is one example
        password = 'MailServerPassword', --this is the password you use to access the mail server you are sending from
        user = 'myname@myhost.net' --this is the user name you use to access the mail server you are sending from
    if (r == 1) then --Message was sent successfully
       wx.wxMessageBox('Message was sent successfully.')
    else --There was an error
        wx.wxMessageBox('!!!ERROR!!!\n\n' .. tostring(e))

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: Lua
« on: January 23, 2017, 09:11:18 AM »
Daz and Jo are having that discussion on another thread currently, but you may already know that, and hence your last post.

Chaoticone, just as a side topic.  You guys all seem to have quite a grasp of how to read, interpret and write the Lua code.  Of course I am a bit bias, but I don't think I am all that slow, but after having done a few hours of sitting and plodding through online Lua tutorials as well as reading the Mach scripting stuff etc., until my eyes go fuzzy, most of it still eludes me.

Did you start off that way, or did you have some background in programming which helped?

Hello Craig,

Yup, I started off that way and still am at times.  ;D I had no background in coding or scripting other than doing some in cypress enable in Mach3. It took me a while to get my head around the few things I think I understand now. For me it boils down to shear determination when it comes to coding. I also have some great mentors that give me a bump when I get stuck. Most all of them are here on the forum. A few other things I consider advantages though are I worked on CNC's for 25 years and all sorts of mechanical, wiring, electronics, and processor based controls for many more years. That helps a lot in knowing how I want things to work. I just have to throw myself into the script until I get it to do that. So yes, lua has been a steep learning curve to me but it really is powerful and many times more powerful than the scripting we had in Mach3. This means we can do things in 4 not possible in 3.  :)

The tips I would give anyone diving in would be to simply quote Craig. He is spot on.

Hi Craig,
I'm a newbie at LUA coding. I have programmed before in FORTRAN as a student and in more recent years VB and C,
also like to think I'm pretty fair in assembler. LUA has been a bit of a challenge, while it is deceptively simple its power
and flexibility is right up there.

When coding I have
https://www.lua.org/pil/contents.html permanently on the taskbar.

Much of the code that we are trying to produce involves manipulating Mach4 and consequently the Mach 4 API.chm is also
on the taskbar.

The other resource are the existing LUA scripts within Mach4 and LUA Examples in the Mach4Hobby directory, often you can cut
and paste or otherwise adapt examples to your needs.


I do have a few additional links to share though.


And I cannot overstress how helpful the Mach4API help file is and the existing scripts. Craig said it, I just want to emphasise it.  

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: Lua
« on: January 22, 2017, 06:31:00 PM »
Ignore my last post until we know for sure what value that analog register will be at min and max.

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: Lua
« on: January 22, 2017, 06:00:09 PM »
I think this should work.

local MinFRO = 50
local hReg = mc.mcRegGetHandle(inst, "NAME OF CONTROLLER/Analog pin 42")
local AnalogIn = mc.mcRegGetValue(hReg)

local FRO = ((AnalogIn * 30.303030) + MinFRO)
mc.mcSpindleSetOverride(inst, FRO)

This should give you a min of 50% and a max of 150% and use the whole sweep of the pot. It doesn't have any rounding in it so it won't jump but that could be a problem if Pokeys doesn't have any filtering (but I think they do).

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