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Topics - lfjill

Pages: 1
G-Code, CAD, and CAM discussions / strange velocity
« on: April 07, 2016, 01:22:53 PM »
I'm using a cnc table made by me with Mach3
After working well, It began with a problem: don't respect the F command so I set F350 and it was moving the head about 900 mm/minute.

Then, stopping the program, I introduced in the code a sentence as this:
M6 T3 F400
And started from here the program
The machine responded well to the command, moving the machine at the specified velocity.
But, without this, the machine didn't respected the original F command.

What could make that the Mach3 don't respect the F command?

N0010 (Filename: ConectorSuperior.tap)
N0020 (Post processor: Mach3 plasma.scpost)
N0030 (Date: 16/03/2016)
N0040 G21 (Units: Metric)
N0050 G53 G90 G91.1 G40
N0060 F1
N0070 S500
N0080 (Part: ConectorSuperior)
N0090 (Operation: Outside Offset, trazado, T3: Jet tool)
N0100 M06 T3 F350.0  (Jet tool)
N0110 G00 Z10.0000
N0120 X860.8263 Y199.3129
N0130 Z0.0000
N0140 M03
N0150 G02 X855.3957 Y199.3129 I-2.7153 J2.7153 F900.0
N0160 G01 X853.2744 Y201.4343
N0170 X921.1920 Y269.3519
N0180 G03 X921.1920 Y271.8267 I-1.2374 J1.2374
N0190 G01 X793.9128 Y399.1060
N0200 G03 X790.9253 Y397.8685 I-1.2374 J-1.2374
N0210 G01 Y5.0000
N0220 G03 X793.9128 Y3.7626 I1.7500 J0.0000
N0230 G01 X921.1920 Y131.0418
N0240 G03 X921.1920 Y133.5167 I-1.2374 J1.2374
N0250 G01 X855.3957 Y199.3129
N0260 M05
N0270 G00 Z10.0000
N0280 X992.1055
N0290 Z0.0000
N0300 M03
N0310 G02 X986.6749 Y199.3129 I-2.7153 J2.7153
N0320 G01 X984.5536 Y201.4343
N0330 X1052.4712 Y269.3519
N0340 G03 X1052.4712 Y271.8267 I-1.2374 J1.2374
N0350 G01 X925.1920 Y399.1060
N0360 G03 X922.2045 Y397.8685 I-1.2374 J-1.2374
N0370 G01 Y5.0000
N0380 G03 X925.1920 Y3.7626 I1.7500 J0.0000
N0390 G01 X1052.4712 Y131.0418
N0400 G03 X1052.4712 Y133.5167 I-1.2374 J1.2374
N0410 G01 X986.6749 Y199.3129
N0420 M05

N1190 G00 Z10.0000
N1200 M05 M30

(The T3 had been used before at 900 mm/min, but even reloading the program was failing)

G-Code, CAD, and CAM discussions / Change of vel ignored
« on: December 18, 2015, 09:45:09 PM »

Some moths ago I was wondering how to make some plasma cuts.
I designed the electronics for Z with a pic and 4 inductive sensors, and have cutted from cal 26 to 1 1/4"
The question now is about a change of velocity
The program (by sheetcam) sets a cutting velocity but I need to go faster when it doesn't cuts (g00)
but it goes at the first set velocity, ever.

N0100 M06 T14 F1400.0  (Plasma, 2 mm, 1400 V  1/4" esp)    <-- HERE IS THE CUTTING VEL
N0110 G00 Z15.8750
N0120 X0.0000 Y-4.0000
N0130 Z7.6750
N0140 M03
N0150 G01 Z4.6750
N0160 X151.5000
N0170 Y4.0000
N0180 X0.0000
N0190 M05
N0191 M06 T14 F10000       <--  HERE IS THE TRAVERSE VEL    WHICH IS IGNORED
N0200 G00 Z15.8750
N0210 X901.0000 Y-7.0000
N0220 Z7.6750
N0230 M03

Do somebody knows what to do?
Possible I have to omit the T14
It could happen that the microsteps of drivers be limiting the max vel., if there is not error in the previous code.

Thank you for your help
Luis J.

General Mach Discussion / sync failure
« on: December 05, 2014, 10:59:15 PM »
The system was working well without charge.  Now with the weight of a 2.20 x 1.2 meters (although it is a low friction system you can move with one finger), frequently stops at the begining of a movement (jog or g1) saying that external movement is disconnected, and some times saying that Sync has failed.   Disconnecting the usb card and reconecting let me the system working but something that worries me is that at the beginning I moved the system with few problems but it is increasing the sensibility of the system giving each time more frequently the sync failure.   

The one who sold me the equipment told me to increase the steps per unit (5.814 steps per mm), but this is my tested calibration so one meter movement is acomplished with less than .5 mm of difference.    i would try changes with velocity or acceleration (about 1500 mm/min and 500 mm/s2) .   Well, I could use the first level of microsteps on drivers and set the steps per mm to double. loosing in max velocity, I think. 

Do somebody with more experience would like to give me some advice?

Luis J

General Mach Discussion / card recognition
« on: December 03, 2014, 07:55:41 PM »
Mach3 doesn't ask me at startup (as before did) for the card installed
I went to Function Cfg's - reset card option in menu and it shows in a window: Next time startup the program will ask you...
Nevertheless it doesn't ask and the card is not recognized.
How can I solve this without reinstalling?  I had motors and card configurated and tested and I don't want to begin again,

Is there a way it doesn't ask and it works with the card?
(xulifeng 250)

Thank you

VB and the development of wizards / Zero support from CNCDIY
« on: November 08, 2014, 02:08:24 AM »
i bought an AKZ250 usb card. two steppers and installed Mach3
In works well with motors and limit switches, they are reflected in simulated leds of config tab
i have configured supossedly right the pins, not low active, but the response of the card is incorrect,
            volts in card
output     off    on
   1         0.5   0.8
  2-5       0.5   0.1
I wonder if that correspod to a damaged card, if it is replaceable the corresponding chip in the card or another thing. Do somebody knows how to solve this?

CNCDIY doesn't have any support team answering, it seem they are very smart saving even the salary of the support team.
I complaint about it and instead of trying to solve, they blocked my account.  So if somebody is evaluating to buy this card or equipment, consider their null support and inexistent client care, frequentlly found in oriental companies!!

G-Code, CAD, and CAM discussions / deactivate undefined or a bad spirit
« on: November 06, 2014, 07:03:33 PM »
I'm trying to interface the akz250 card from cncdiy with Mach3 and a circuit for Z control.
The problem is VB editor and macros are not doing stable things.
1. When activating, the simulated led en diagnostics screen flash instead of being stable, as the limit switches who give stable led behavior.  It is red, not green (is it right?), multimeter doesn't show a change in the terminal.   It is setted in the config pins outputs.
2. Trying to deactivate says DeActivate is not a defined function as you can see in the attachment

I have to finish that but there is a bad spirit or something avoiding it.

Can somebody guide me to solve it?

When closing the program appeared the window with artcode 9991 as you can see in the other image

Maybe the program is corrupted and have to reinstall, in this case,  Is it enough to save and replace the plasma1.xlm to restore configuration?

G-Code, CAD, and CAM discussions / macros ignored
« on: November 06, 2014, 04:25:48 PM »
I had the mach3 configured so, when I activate an output from VB editor, it began to flash in red, opposite to for instance, the limit switches who are reflected as a stable green.
Then something happened, and Mach3 doesn't do anything with outputs.
I look for the solution in several ways, and found in the xml an option "Ignore macros" with a "1" set

1. Is there somewhere in Mach 3 configuration where I can change this?
could be it a problem of trying things with M6?

2. The led in diagnostics flash in red instead of simply be stable.  Do it mean the signal is flashing or something? 

Thank you

VB and the development of wizards / Simple homing How?
« on: November 06, 2014, 10:18:12 AM »
1- I'm a beginner in Mach3. I'm using an old mechanics of a photoscope to make a new CNC plasma cutting machine.
I implemented a torch height control with a dc motoreductor, so I don't need to control a 3rd step motor for it, except for some signals.

I'm up to begin to use it and have to define how to home both axis.

I have rode the forum and found several posts about homing but I don´t know in a simple manner how to home the system because there are aparently many ways to do it:

*Get OEMLed
*Dobutton 23, 24
*while ismoving()
So I'm confused about what I have to do to home the equipment, two axis.
I have now two microswitches wich I'd like to use for simplicity but if necessary I have in a drawer some optical sensors that I would have to complement with a little circuitry to get more precision.   The thing is that I'd like to begin asap and then make some improvements.   

What would you think is a simple, fast but not bad solution for homing?

2- I have tryed to set the homing limits in the screen to it of Mach3 and it puts automatically negative quantities, Is there a way to avoid it?  Because if the Gcode comes all with positive coords, the usable area would be restricted to 1st quadrant.

Thank you very much for your assistance.
Luis J

VB and the development of wizards / AKZ250 CNCDIY INPUTS AND OUTPUTS
« on: November 04, 2014, 05:02:30 PM »
I have an AKZ250 card working well with its step motors and limit swithches, but I need to interact with a Z control that I did.

Seeing the examples in the macro subfolder of Mach3 I wrote the next, but it refuses the "#" sintax:
#define input3 3  rem "cut position"
#define input4 4  rem "up"

rem output 2=plasma trigger output 1=cortar

if IsActive(4) then
   ActivateSignal(1)   rem "cut"     this make torch down
   ActivateSignal(2)   rem "plasma trigger"

   rem delay
   SystemWaitFor( 0.6 )
    while not isActive(3)
        SystemWaitFor( 0.1 )


rem now the X,Y program can proceed  (height will be controlled by the Z ctrl circuit I did)
I have rode macro sections
I found for instance "ActivateSignal(n)" in Macro M50
It apparently needs a definition but the example has a #define line who is dettected as an error by the VB editor and I don't know where is the documentation of this characteristic of Mach3, wich functions are available in these macros, syntaxis, specially,   ¿Do Mach3 uses the macros in macro subfolder as a default? or what has to be done in order to get this code executed?

How can I make that M3 set on (ttl high) an output of the card or read an input?  the card is working well with its motors and receive well the limit switches, and Mach3 reflect this switch activity changing the condition in the diagnostic tab leds     How can I put in a variable the value of an input of that card?  I saw the IsSignalActivate but I don't know if it works with this environment.

Somebody told me to use the M7 M8 M9 to interact but I'm in the way to make some tests.

Thank you very much for your help

Luis J

Pages: 1