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Messages - Georg_Kai

Pages: 1
Mach SDK plugin questions and answers. / Re: Step increase in feedrate.
« on: August 09, 2011, 09:06:46 PM »
Yes, I value changes by 1%. Function GetOEMDRO () returns a value from 0 to 250 "%". This code works for me.

Mach SDK plugin questions and answers. / Re: Step increase in feedrate.
« on: August 09, 2011, 03:29:47 AM »
Below I have piece of software that I have to control the Feedoverride:

extern CMyScriptObject co;
extern double GetOEMDRO(short);
extern void SetOEMDRO(short,double);
const int FeedRateOverRide = 821;
double FRO;

     if( code == 108 ) {
      FRO = co.GetOEMDRO(FeedRateOverRide);
      FRO += 1;
      co.SetOEMDRO(FeedRateOverRide, FRO);
     if( code == 109 ) {
        FRO = co.GetOEMDRO(FeedRateOverRide);
        FRO -= 1;

I had a bug in a row that I noted a sign "-------->", Mach3 program installation is not prescribed in the registry value "Mach4.Document". Therefore, the functions SetOEMDRO (), GetOEMDRO () did not work.

VOID Mach3ObjectModelStartup(VOID)

   static const IID IID_IMyScriptObject =    { 0xf1d3ee6c, 0xab32, 0x4996,
    { 0xb2, 0x70, 0xf4, 0x15, 0x61, 0x3f, 0x5b, 0xa3 } };
   CLSID clsid;

   HRESULT res;
   res = CoInitialize(NULL);

   LPDISPATCH lpDispatch = NULL;

   try {
---------->   res = CLSIDFromProgID(OLESTR("Mach4.Document"),&clsid);
      if (res == NOERROR) {

          if (res = GetActiveObject(clsid,NULL,&lpUnk) == NOERROR) {

            HRESULT hr = lpUnk->QueryInterface(IID_IDispatch,


            if (hr == NOERROR) {

               mach4.AttachDispatch(lpDispatch, TRUE);

               lpDispatch = mach4.GetScriptDispatch();

               co.AttachDispatch(lpDispatch, TRUE);

               connected = TRUE;

   catch(_com_error &e) {

   //   com_error_msg(e);

Mach SDK plugin questions and answers. / Step increase in feedrate.
« on: July 19, 2011, 05:31:15 AM »
I apologize for my English. I am writing my first plugin and ran into a problem: I have appointed for your joystick buttons to actions: increase or decrease the feed rate (DoOEMButton 109, 108). But when you press the increase (decrease) occurs in 10% of the feedrate. Ie if the feed rate is set when you press 800 is increased to 880. How to change the step increase (decrease) in let's say 5% or 2.5%. Where is this variable? in which structure? ???

Pages: 1