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Messages - Haysys

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Modbus / Homann Mod-IO and Digispeed XL on Hitachi SJ-200 VFD
« on: May 14, 2007, 11:21:14 PM »
Hi All,

I have a Digispeed-XL connected to a Mod-IO board and a Hitachi SJ200-22 VFD running on Mach3 V2.065. I installed a DPST switch to toggle the Digispeed between Manual and Auto, and have a 5K pot on J4 for manual speed adjustment. In manual mode I'm able to control the VFD just fine. Pretty cool actually.
However, when in Auto mode, I am unable to get the Digispeed to work as desired. Turning on the Spindle causes the Zero Speed relay to change and the Control Voltage indicator LED to change (bright red--never varies execpt to turn off) while the Mode LED changes from Solid Red to Fast Blink Red. I'm unable to cause the Lazy double red blink (the condition for Digispeed Enabled but PWM set to zero RPM) unless I disconnect the PWM signal from the cable connecting Mod-IO to Digispeed. Zero RPM on spindle still causes a fast blink. On the possibility that the PWM signal was flipped (Hi for zero and vice-versa), I have set the RPM to 8000, but that did not change anything either. I've also played with the jumper on JP13 but saw no difference (power off on each change so Mod-IO and Disgispeed reset). The jumper remains off the board at thsi time (as I'm unable to determine which position causes what).
Here are my settings on Mod-IO:
Dout2 -- not connected to Digispeed as direction not needed for now.
Dout3 -- Configured to Output #1 As Port = 0, Pin = 3, Active Low
Dout4 -- Ports & Pins, Motor/Spindle set in Motor Outputs, Port = 0 , step (PWM) Pin = 4, Active Low
In Mach3 the following settings are in place:
In Ports & Pins, Spindle Setup tab/Relay Disable Spindle Relays box is unchecked, and Output is # 1 in both CW & CCW.
Motor Control Use Spindle Motor Output and PWM are both Checked, PWMBase Freq = 50, Min = 0%.
I have tried Modbus Spindle - Use Step/Dir as well both Checked and Unchecked. Currently Unchecked (unclear on the correct setting as I have seen both used in documentation)
I have another issue that may be related: The VFD has a nominal 10V 10mA reference voltage "H" (actually 10.57V) that I have running into P1 on J5 on the Disgispeed, P3 is connected to "L" on VFD and P2 is the control voltage "O" going to the VFD. I played with this a bit to find this connection configuration (my initial setting had it working opposite of desired). What is happening is that the Reference "H" 10 Volts is being pulled down to 1 volt (exactly) when in Auto mode, but in manual mode it works fine (Voltage stays at nominal 10V). Intuitively it would seem that the 10mA is insufficient, but that is just a guess on my part.
My questions are:
Why won't my PWM signal allow a zero-speed?
Why is my VFD Ref voltage is being pulled down???
Sorry for the lack a brevity? I was thinking that more info may help.
Any thoughts are welcome. Thanks for your time and attention!!

Modbus / Re: Mod-IO communication problem
« on: April 02, 2007, 11:00:47 PM »
Graham and All,

I worked out my problem after a serious troubleshooting effort.

After putting the old card back in and finding they both displayed the same unresponsive characteristics, I figured it had to be somehing in the computer. I checked and rechecked everything multiple times. Mapped all resources and interupts. All OK. I brought in another Com port. No change. Then I brought in another computer... And everything worked like it should. Hmmm... So, I went back, removed Mach and reinstalled. No change. Removed P-ports and Mach and (after numerous BSDs and hangs) reinstalled and tadaaa, it started working.

Something in the system was in conflict, and I do not know specifically what it was. I do know that some combination of the NETMOS dual Par-port card & drivers (I use these as my Mach connection) and the Mach3 driver was keeping the Com ports from working properly. In general, I find the NETMOS 97x5/98x5 series of chips to be onery, and this proved no exception. I do computer and network support work for a living and this was one of the more frustrating troubleshooting jobs I have had in some time.

That's the story here. Best to All,


Modbus / Re: ModIO and Mach not keeping up with MPG
« on: April 02, 2007, 10:47:41 PM »

This is just a shot in the dark... I notice your serial port is Com5. It's my experience that port numbers greater than 4 are from addon devices, like maybe a USB serial adapter. Do you have any system serial ports on the motherboard that are in the Com1-Com4 range? Say with an IRQ of 3 or 4 and an I/O of 03F8 or 03E8?

Again, just a thought. Someone more knowledgable will probably have a better suggestion.


Modbus / Re: Mod-IO communication problem
« on: March 29, 2007, 05:55:30 PM »
Hi Graham,

Thanks for your reply and suggestion. Indeed, the wheel is on zero and JP4 is (I believe) on 2-3. Its actually difficult to tell but on V4.1, there are three 3-position jumpers adjacent to the LCD connector; JP7, JP12, and JP4. 7 & 12 are in the positions of 1-2 (farside of LCD connector) while JP4 is at the near-side of the connector. I think the position 1 is identified by a square but it is difficult to see for certain.

The V2.2 has the JP4 in a similar location and jumpered in the same fashion. It worked fine pretty much out of the box, but not this one. I've gone back to square 1 several times, but end up at the same point.

Unless anyone has any further ideas, I'm going to put the old one back in and do without the DOUT1.

Thanks Again!!



Modbus / Mod-IO communication problem
« on: March 28, 2007, 02:08:37 PM »
Hi All,

I have a Homann V4.1 Mod-IO board that I have swapped with an existing (V2.2) board in my pendant (dead DOUT1), but am having some trouble getting the communication link to work properly.

I get a flashing left green light (input to Mod-IO) but am not getting any flashing activity on the left red LED (output). Indeed, I am reading info from Mach on the LCD, but can get no activity out of the Mod-IO card to Mach. I have the ID set to 6, 57,600, 8-1-n. All settings on computer and Mod-IO look to be in sync. Sometimes I get a flashing red light (right side near selector switch) but other times it is off, but still no output from the unit.

When I open the Modbus Status & Control dialog, input and output slave address is set to 6, start reg is 1150 and 1040 respectively, and MODIO Modbus card checked, click on CONFIG button I get “No Connection to Homann Board”. No matter what I do I can’t get this to show a connection. I don’t recall having any such difficulty with the initial unit.

Any ideas that might propel me over this patch of dead-water??

Thanks a bunch for any input!!



I have researched this NetMos parallel port card at some length. Practically all of these add-on cards use the NetMos97xx/98xx chip. I believe any XP system using Parallel port card with a NetMos chip with the numbers 9705, 9715, 9725, 9805, 9815, 9825 will work with the drivers I have attached. Only the The WinXP files have been attached in zipped form.

Various problems can arise if you do not explicitly control which drivers are loaded for these cards. I find the default Windows drivers are prone to problems.

The principle trick or step is to manually select the driver to be used in installing said drivers. First, download and place the driver files ion a known location. I have found two current versions of the drivers: Standard and Special. I use the Special only because I have fewer problems with it.

Next, I recommend going to the Device manager, remove (select and delete) the MultiFunction NetMos 98xx adapter and the two Parallel Ports (these will probably dissappear when the adapter is removed), then reboot.
The system should detect the Adapter and the ports.
Reject using Windows Update (No Not THis Time).
The system will prompt for drivers asking if you want it to Install Automatically or specifiy the location.
Select Specify Location (Advanced), Click Next and Accept the Search (default) but uncheck Search removeable media and Check "Include THis Location in the Search"
Click Browse and Navigate to where you placed the unzipped file folders (again, I recommend the Special, but that is your choice--both are contained in the zip file). Once the location is selected click OK. Then click Next and follow the prompts. For a two port card you will be promted at least three times for drivers. Navigate to the same location each time.

I hope this will be of help.


Hey Chaoticone ,

Thanks for the pointer (grin). I have looked for that more than once, but not seen it; though its description is spot-on.

Thanks again!!


Newfangled Solutions Mach3 Wizards / Re: cut rectangle wizard
« on: January 30, 2007, 06:47:22 PM »
Hi Again,

I was just playing a bit more with the rectangle wizard and discovered I misstated the situation. And if anyone sees this differently, please correct me. My experience base is modest at best.

In the first case, the settings for this is a 1/8" clockwise cutter with a feed rate of 7.5, and a 1" square with the lower left corner at 0,0, and Climb mill on the Inside.

(Program Posted for Aluminum )
G0 G49 G40.1 G17
G80 G50 G90 G98 
G20 (Inch)
(***** Cut Rectangle *****)
M6 T4
M03 S3000
M7 (Mist On)
G00 G43 H4 Z0.1
G00 X0.8125 Y0.5938
G42 P0.0625
G01 X0.9063 Y0.5938
G02 X1 Y0.5 R0.09375
G01 X1 Y0.5
G01 X1 Y0 Z-0.0125
G01 X0 Y0 Z-0.0375
G01 X0 Y1 Z-0.0625
G01 X1 Y1 Z-0.0875
G01 X1 Y0.5 Z-0.1
G01 X1 Y0
G01 X0 Y0
G01 X0 Y1
G01 X1 Y1
G01 X1 Y0.5
G02 X0.9063 Y0.4063 R0.09375
G01 X0.8125 Y0.4063
M5 M9

This causes the cutter move Clockwise inside the square. With a clockwise cutter, isn't climb mill supposed to move the cutter in a counter-clockwise direction??? The feed rate is not posted, so in my case the default of 6 in/min takes place.

The second case is same as the first except that Conventional milling is selected, so Inside is still in effect.

(Program Posted for Aluminum )
G0 G49 G40.1 G17
G80 G50 G90 G98 
G20 (Inch)
(***** Cut Rectangle *****)
M6 T4
M03 S3000
M7 (Mist On)
G00 G43 H4 Z0.1
G00 X0.8125 Y0.4063
G42 P0.0625
G01 X0.9063 Y0.4063
G03 X1 Y0.5 R0.09375
G01 X1 Y0.5
G01 X1 Y1 Z-0.0125
G01 X0 Y1 Z-0.0375
G01 X0 Y0 Z-0.0625
G01 X1 Y0 Z-0.0875
G01 X1 Y0 Z-0.0875
G01 X1 Y0.5 Z-0.1
G01 X1 Y1
G01 X0 Y1
G01 X0 Y0
G01 X1 Y0
G01 X1 Y0
G01 X1 Y0.5
G03 X0.9063 Y0.5938 R0.09375
G01 X0.8125 Y0.5938
M5 M9

This second case causes the cutter to move Counter-Clockwise outside the 1" square producing 1.25" cutout. Again, no feedrate is posted in the code.

Since I posted the previous message that was less than accurate, I wanted to cleanup my mistakes. I thought the feedrate was posted in the code with this and other wizards, but I may be mistaken about that too.

I use several of the wizards on occasion, and am quite impressed with what they do. So I thank you Brian and all others who contribute to creating and maintaining them. I do apprecaite the energy.


Newfangled Solutions Mach3 Wizards / Re: cut rectangle wizard
« on: January 30, 2007, 05:52:43 PM »
Hi All.

Just a quick follow up on the original post and the current state of the Rectangle wizard (as I see it...).

In the opening post, Andy mentions two issues: the size of the approach and exit arcs and the cutter being on the "outside" if the Climb and Inside settings are selected.

The recent changes do indeed address the arc size, however the location of the cutter is still on the outside when Inside and Climb are selected. So if a 1" square with a 1/8" cutter is selected, the counter-clockwise path occurs but a 1.25" square results.




The subject line says it: Is there a way to turn off the key-click noise in the wizards???


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