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Messages - Kissling

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Thanks a lot for this solution.

Works well.

But I try to find a solution where no "AskTextQuestion" is used to enter the value.

I try to  find a way where i can write the value in the DRO-Feld and the macro is executed when pressing Enter

Maybe there is another way?

Grüße aus Bayern nach Bayern :-)

Finished Screens / Re: Mach3 Set 1920*1080
« on: September 12, 2023, 08:27:36 AM »
saubere Arbeit, sieht richtig schön "aufgeräumt" aus.
Ich bin auch nicht so für diese bunten Screensets.
Gruß Tom

darf ich fragen, mit welchem Programm Du die Hintergründe erstellt hast?

Das habe ich mit Affinity Photo 2 gemacht.
Die Grundlage des gesamten Set ist von PA.
Leider habe ich da doch so einige "Unstimmigkeiten" gefunden.
Desshalb habe ich das gesamte Set komplett überarbeitet.

Funktioniert inzwischen ganz ordentlich :-)

Gruß Ronald

Hello TPS,

this is all no problem!

My Problem is:
How can i execute the basic Sript when I write a new value to the UserDRO?

Do I have to design a UserDRO AND a Button?


Thanks to TPS

But than I have to Insert 2 thinks.

one to write the  value
as you wrote
one for executing the script

I there no way to way to get this:
write the value in the feeld
by pressing Enter the macro is executed


VB and the development of wizards / Read a value and execute a User-Macro
« on: September 11, 2023, 07:59:13 AM »

I'm optimizing my Screenset.
The Basis of my Sreenset is from PA.
But I did so many imprvements and Errorcorections.

Now I try to build a button where set the x-coordinate an then the Spindle goes to this coordinate.
Simply: Goto X Goto Y Goto Z

Im try to do this with machsreen.

My question is:
How can I build a Button that reads the valeu and then executes a VB-Script where i can Use the value?
I only find something where I can define the Value and something where I can execute Code.But I need a Button whitch is dooing both!

Thanks a lot

Thanks so much.
This was a greate advice.

I did the following code working nearly perfect:.

'-------------------- Referenzfahrt ausführen -------------------'

'------------------ Konfigurationsdatei öffnen ------------------'
Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("MSXML.DomDocument")
xmlDoc.Load "c:\Mach3\Mill.xml"

'------------------------ Werte auslesen ------------------------'
Set nodeslist = xmlDoc.selectNodes("/profile/Preferences/Enc0")
XHomeOffset =nodeslist(0).text
'MsgBox XHomeOffset

Set nodeslist = xmlDoc.selectNodes("/profile/Preferences/Enc1")
YHomeOffset =nodeslist(0).text
'MsgBox YHomeOffset

Set nodeslist = xmlDoc.selectNodes("/profile/Preferences/Enc2")
ZHomeOffset =nodeslist(0).text
'MsgBox ZHomeOffset

'---------------------- Koordinaten setzen ----------------------'
MsgBox XHomeOffset
SetDRO(0, XHomeOffset)

MsgBox YHomeOffse
SetDRO(1, YHomeOffset)

MsgBox ZHomeOffset
SetDRO(2, ZHomeOffset)

Set xmlDoc = Nothing

There is only one proble to be solved:
The code is working to fast!

The command:
 "SetDRO(0, XHomeOffset)"
"SetDRO(1, YHomeOffset)"
"SetDRO(2, ZHomeOffset)"

is executed bevore the mashine has reached the switches.

Is there a way to wait till the reverece-drive has reached his switch

Something like:
"wait till reached switch"

regards Ronny

Thanks to TPS for your advice.

I tried so many parameters of the list you gave me the in your reply.
But none of this parameters returned the value I need.

Can anybode the me whitch value(s) this is (are):
See attatched File ( I dont find how to poste a Picture at this place)


my Referece-Indicators are mouted at the right/back/botom Side of my machine.

After doing a reference-drive the maschine coordinates are set correct to
y= 477
Z= 20

Now I whant to have the same values in the local coordinate-system!

So, how can I get this done?

Here is my VB-Script:


after this I need:
Set X= "Homing&Limits"SoftMinX
Set Y= "Homing&Limits"SoftMinY
Set Z= "Homing&Limits"SoftMaxX

Can please anybody help me doing this?

Regards Ronald

Thanks so much for your answer.

Hello Tweakie,

thanks to your answer.
Mayby I didn't worte so that it is understandable.

I know that Smothstepper needs stepper drivers.
can I replace my UC100 with the Smothstepper and use my Tripple Beast as Stepper Driver?

Regards Ronny

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