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Messages - 1960mog

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / Unable to switch to metric
« on: March 07, 2022, 05:11:32 PM »
Hi all
Newbie question here.
I am using Mach3, version R3.043.062,  for about 3 weeks now, on an Industrial CNC router.
At first, I was able to switch Mach3 into metric by setting native units and switching to metric under settings.
Since last week, I am no longer able to do that.
All my programs include a G21, all switches in Mach3 are set to metric, at least all I know of.
The DRO only reads in inches, and all my metric programs cut parts 25.4 times larger than they should be.
I uninstalled and reinstalled Mach3.
Mach3 is registered.
I am using the xml file provided by the machine manufacturer.

What else could prevent Mach3 from switching into metric mode?

Thanks for your help

Pages: 1