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Messages - AalderinkEJ

Pages: 1
VB and the development of wizards / Re: Tool zero macro
« on: April 24, 2021, 08:26:01 AM »
Thanks for you reply Graham.

Unfortunately I still don't understand the cause.

Does it have to do with coordinates 'currently' set. See attached picture. Where my spindle is in home position and my workspace appears to be much further away?

And if I power off and back on I get the second picture.

Best regards,


VB and the development of wizards / Re: Tool zero macro
« on: April 23, 2021, 01:21:54 AM »
A direct question possibly related to the script.

After a job is completed the machine returns to the home position. If I then load a new job and press cycle start I get a softlimits warning on my Z axis.

My current workaround is I run m6 (which moves my spindle to my TC position) and my Auto Zero Tool script and then I can start the script without issue.

Any ideas?


VB and the development of wizards / Tool zero macro
« on: April 21, 2021, 08:28:06 AM »
Dear all,

I just registered to the forum to share my attempt to write a Auto tool zero script. See below.

About a year ago I bought a 6040CNC from China. Last Monday I 'quickly' wanted to figure out how to get my tools to auto zero and found many video's/tutorials online. Lazy as I am I copied and pasted the script and voilá we're done.


The script never zeroed my Z axis where it needed and thus began the search of what the script actually was doing. So you had your movement blabla G31 blabla and 'GetVar(2002)' kept showing up. Stepping down the script in the editor I found that this was supposed to be where the Z axis was zeroed but it never did. A search on the interwebs let me to believe my remote control(W Xhc) for some reason conflicted with the GetVar(2002) code. I haven't confirmed this but accepted this as the cause nonetheless.

So we write/borrow our own script. I've borrowed the message pop-up from Charlie Sarsfield but that's about it. Mainly instead of using GetVar(2002) I've ended up using G92 to set the value of my Z axis. And it appears my controller likes to sleep before taking any actions.

Please if any of you could be so kind to give it a quick glance over to see if I haven't made any stupid mistakes or if I've overlooked something that could make it 'simpler'.

I hope this helps anyone that has run into the same issue I have.

Best regards,


Code: [Select]
'G31 command move until probe triggerd
'G53 command move from machine coordinates
'G92 command used to set Z value
DownMovementMax = -65 'Set Z down movement
DownMovementSafe = -25 'Safe to move down Quickly
DownFeedRateQuick = 150 'Set FeedRate(speed) of Z down movement
DownFeedRateSlow = 50
DownFeedRateSafe = 500
G53FeedRateUp = 1000
UpMovement = 2
TouchPlateSize = 20.15
VarOffSetCalc = 0
VarRunBox = 1
VarBoxMaterialSize = 0

If VarRunBox = 1 Then MaterialDialog

Code "G1"
Code "G53 Z0" &" F" &G53FeedRateUp 'Move to machine Z0
While IsMoving() 'Wait
Sleep 100
Code "G92 Z0" 'Zero Z value
Sleep 100
Code "G53 F4000 X366 Y527"
While IsMoving() 'Wait
Sleep 100
Code "G53 Z" &DownMovementSafe &" F" &DownFeedRateSafe 'Quick move to safe posistion
While IsMoving() 'Wait
Sleep 100
Code "G90 G31 Z" &DownMovementMax &" F" &DownFeedRateQuick 'probe movement start
While IsMoving() 'Wait
Sleep 100
Code "G91 Z" &UpMovement &" F" &DownFeedRateQuick 'move up for second slow probe
While IsMoving() 'Wait
Sleep 100
Code "G90 G31 Z" &DownMovementMax &" F" &DownFeedRateSlow 'Slow probe movement start
While IsMoving() 'Wait
Sleep 100
VarBoxMaterialSize = VarBoxMaterialSize * -1 'Make dialog input negative
Sleep 100
VarOffSetCalc = VarBoxMaterialSize + TouchPlateSize 'Add dialog input plus touchplate to get Z value
Sleep 100
Code "G92 Z" &VarOffSetCalc 'Zero Z value with value above
Sleep 100
Code "G53 Z0" &" F" &G53FeedRateUp 'Move to machine Z0
While IsMoving() 'Wait
Sleep 100
Exit Sub

Sub MaterialDialog

  Begin Dialog MaterialOffset 110,68,"Material thickness"
OKButton 42,52,26,12
Text 0,0,100,10, "Material Height"
TextBox 35,20,30,10, .SecText
        Text 60,20,30,15, "mm"         
End Dialog

Dim Dlg1 As MaterialOffset
Dlg1.SecText = VarMaterialSize 'Material size
If Button = 0 Then 'IF CLOSE BUTTON
Message "Auto zero abort"
End If

If IsNumeric(Dlg1.SecText) = True Then
        VarBoxMaterialSize = Int(Dlg1.SecText)
Message "Use numerical value"
MaterialDialog 'RESTART SUB
  End If

End Sub

Pages: 1