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Messages - Hugemutha

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / Re: Using Limit Switches with Novusun Controller
« on: December 12, 2023, 08:51:54 PM »
Dear Tweakie

My sincerest apologies for offending you and all those other Mach users who do not use Novusun controllers.
When I purchased the CNC kit from the Banggood website there was no warning that the controller came with pirated software so I was unaware of this.
I had researched the product before hand and most reviews were positive, again no warning.
As a matter of interest, if I were to purchase a reputable controller to replace the Novusun, which would you recommend?

General Mach Discussion / Using Limit Switches with Novusun Controller
« on: December 12, 2023, 03:05:11 AM »
Hi All

Let me start by apologising if this topic has already been addressed, I searched and found nothing.

I have a Novusun NVEM controller which has inputs for home switches which are attached and working to a point.  My machine sometimes drives past these switches so i would like to add limit switches which shut down the axis motor immediately when the switch is triggered.  It is my intention to install two switches per axis, the switches will be connected in series in a normally closed configuration.
The Novusun NVEM has several input ports intended for user defined functions and these are the ports I intend to use.
When entering the ports and pins section in MACH3, I can define the ports but not the function of the ports - how do I define the function of the port?
Thank you in advance for any light you can shed on the topic

Pages: 1