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Messages - Jimmysmill13

Pages: 1
Mach4 General Discussion / Re: M62/63 Command issue
« on: January 11, 2021, 02:02:28 PM »
This is has now been resolved. The issue was a load error for the wx4.set. I removed Mach 4 and did a clean install. M62 / M63 are know functioning as they should.

Thanks for all the help on this issue Rob and Pokeys.


Mach4 General Discussion / Re: M62/63 Command issue
« on: January 04, 2021, 03:58:49 PM »

Thank you for your results!  I spent quite some time with PoKeys development this morning.  We found both of the boards we ere testing with were working as expected in conjunction with Mach4.  I am however going to add a scope to the testing as you did and I will make sure I am still getting the results I was seeing today.  I will post back when I get this tested.


Rob G

Thanks again for all your help.

I forgot to add one item as well. When under Pokeys Pulse Engine. I can click on the 4 individual OC outpus. When I click on OC 1 the LED indicator on the Pokeys Control board OC 4 will activate. Its not activating the correct OC outputs. I have attached two photos of this.

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: M62/63 Command issue
« on: January 04, 2021, 02:48:34 PM »
There are a couple of key items for making this all work with PoKeys 57 CNC

One, On the pulse engine page of their plug in, there will be  a check box for enabling outputs with M62 and M63.  This should be checked.

Second, Pokeys limits these outputs to 4.  They are the OC outputs.  when mapping these in Mac4, you can map them to any output you would like, but in the device list you will choose Pokeys_*********x PE.  Then all of the four OC outputs will show up in the Output Name drop down menu.  Once these are mapped when M62 Px, or M63 Px are called from a G code file there will be leds on the pokeys that are associated with the outputs 1-4  and will toggle when they are active.

I mapped output #3 in Mach outputs to PoKeys OC output 1.

I executed this G code file and OC output 1  is working as expected.  I then tested outputs 2-4 as well.

M62 P3
G0 X.1 F1.0
M63 P3
G0 X0

Please let me know if this works in your configuration.
I have also attached a link for the most current PoKeys firmware as well.


I have also done some more testing. When using this test G-Code with M64/M65. I have config MACH 4 to Output#1 mapping to OC1

M64 P1
G01 X.5
M63 P1
G01 X0

This will activate the LED indicator under MACH 4 Machine Diagnostics Output#1 and will also Activate the LED light on the Pokeys control board OC1 . I have monitored the output of OC1 with and oscilloscope and it dose activate. I also was able to trigger the laser. So it seem to function correctly.

When I simple switch the test G-code to M62/M63 the following happens.

M62 P1
G01 X.5
M63 P1
G01 x5

I get no LED indicator in MACH 4 Machine Diagnostics Output #1. The LED OC1 on the Pokeys Control Board will activate but I have no signal output that will register on the oscilloscope and the Laser will not activate.

I have followed the same test as you have indicated to do and this is my results.

1.   I have the box check in the pulse engine to use M62/63 and it has been checked from the begin.
2.   I have the latest Firmware updates 4.4.19
3.   I fixed IP Address issue
4.   I configured Output #3 to OC output #1
5.   I run the following test G code

M62 P3
G01 X.5
M63 P3
G01 X5

The results are no LED indication activation under MACH 4 Machine Diagnostic. I do get a OC1 LED light activation on Pokeys Control Board but no activation on the laser or oscilloscope.
When I run the following M64/M65 test G code.

M64 P3
G01 x.5
M65 P3
G01 x0

The LED indicator activates under MACH 4 Machine Diagnostic Output# 3 and OC4 LED is activated on Pokeys Controller but not OC1 like it should. I put an oscilloscope on both OC 1 and OC 4 and neither generate a signal or activate the laser.

I almost feel there is something wrong with the board at this point.

Thanks Jimmy

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: M62/63 Command issue
« on: January 02, 2021, 05:58:34 PM »
I finished up testing on this issue yesterday and have sent my results to Polabs.  m64 and m65 are working as they should.  Unlike m62 and m63 that sync with motion to turn outputs on and off, m64 and m65 are immediate on/off.

It appears that Pokeys is not sending confirmation of movement.  I would suspect this will be resolved very quick.  I will post Pokeys information / fixes here on the matter.

Rob G

Rob have you had any response from pokeys yet on this issue? They did message me and said they where in contact with you on the issue.

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: M62/63 Command issue
« on: December 29, 2020, 07:59:53 AM »
I finished up testing on this issue yesterday and have sent my results to Polabs.  m64 and m65 are working as they should.  Unlike m62 and m63 that sync with motion to turn outputs on and off, m64 and m65 are immediate on/off.

It appears that Pokeys is not sending confirmation of movement.  I would suspect this will be resolved very quick.  I will post Pokeys information / fixes here on the matter.

Rob G

Thank You for all your help.

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: M62/63 Command issue
« on: December 28, 2020, 07:54:00 AM »
I will try to remember to look at this tomorrow morning. I don’t know if the LED will show on the screen or not. You may want to check the output and see if it is on. I say this because the G63/G63 commands are done nothing like the normal outputs. The special M commands put output data in the movement buffer being sent to the motion controller. The normal outputs use the messaging system. So long story short is the plugin may not be telling us that they activated the output....  I can see this as a very easy thing to miss ! 

Please check it with a meter on the output.

Thanks Brian

Thanks Brian,

I should have put a meter on it. I was relying on the LED indicator. I will check tomorrow when I am home and let you know the out come.

Thank you for the response and help. 

Mach4 General Discussion / M62/63 Command issue
« on: December 27, 2020, 12:31:31 PM »
I have searched this forum looking for any help on this issue I am having with M62 / M63 commands. With no luck.

My current setup is Mach 4 and Pokeys57cnc. Everything has been pretty much working perfectly with my CNC mill. I am now trying to add a diode laser and use the M62 and M63 commands. I have been unsuccessful in getting the commands to work. I have been emailing back and forth with Pokeys. They did point out a coupe setup mistakes. I have fixed them but I am still unable to get the M62 / M63 commands to activated the OC output on the Pokeys57cnc.

I have been using the MDI and Machine Diagnostics tab with the following test G-code. I get no LED indication of the output activation.  I have also attached my Packaged Mach4 current profile if anyone is able to look at it.
M62 P0
M63 P1
G01 X0.1

M63 P0
M62 P1
G01 x0


Thanks for any help.

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: Script Edit Error
« on: July 27, 2020, 05:47:30 PM »
Run Mach4 as administrator, see if that fixes it. Byranna doesn't seem to be around any more to tell every one to try that first thing!!!

Thanks for the reply and help. 

I was able to fine a work around for the Goto Work Zero Button. Apparently if you just activate the A - Axis even though it is not being utilized. It fixes the Goto Work Zero and no longer getting a 3rd axis error. Everything is now functioning properly.

Mach4 General Discussion / Script Edit Error
« on: July 27, 2020, 12:00:41 PM »

I am trying to edit my Goto Work Zero. When I make the edit. It will not allow me to save the edit.  I have a attached pic of error. Any help would be great.


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