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Messages - Lucid_moments

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Mach4 General Discussion / Maybe WHB04B is a liability
« on: March 25, 2024, 08:20:26 AM »
Hi all,
The puzzling series of events that have visited my workshop as of late would test the patience of Jobe.
I was a little anxious to make metal chips for the first time. Much of the stress comes from the lack of experience, and the guess work at feeds and speeds possible with mist coolant and a 2.2kW spindle. They have a lousy power to torque in the lower rpm range.
I have run it much lower than I thought possible.
As I was wrapping my head around how my VFD was all of a sudden running the spindle in reverse, and that would explain the ridiculous results on the facing toolpath attempt #1, I was taking a call outside the shop when the XHC pendant sent a "Start" command unattended. Moments later it blanked out, and sent the gantry off at full speed, narrowly missing a backstop. The show came to a crashing halt. I did a teardown of the pendant in hopes of finding some stray sliver of metal that was shorting out some minute trace on the PCB but none was found. Noticed the impressive build quality that is the guts of the WHB04B and pondered if the corded version would be any better. Tried to get my Xbox controller to work but no luck, it's obviously a copy.
During the second attempt at the first toolpath, my compressor went ballistic and sent EMF or surge that took out the monitor, then the graphics card and finally the PC died two days later. Not so good for the confidence. Hard on the pocket book. But hey, I can deal with that. I can deal with the two unscheduled power outages. I can get over the two bent stylus on the crappy 3D edge finder. Having to reinstall the ESS plugin, seems like a cake walk.

But I take exception to the MPG. The thing I really just can't tolerate is the lack of updating of the speed selected in both CON and STP as axis selection changes.
So as you move from the Ref All Home coordinates  to the new offset that is the fixture or WCS as defined in the CAM setup, one tends to go from quick jogging speed to slow jogging as you approach the stock to establish a distance that is inline with the Prep distance that you have chosen in the Probe dialogue. Obtaining the new Y- and X- using the probe feature should be predictable. But the WHB04B is not, it is apparently incapable of updating the speed as is indicated on the speed dial once the axis has changed. In all cases the speed you deal with is the same as what it was the last time you were using that axis. The only way to avoid potential damage to probe and tools (and ones demeanor) is to rotate the MPG effecting a move away from the target, just briefly, to check the velocity that is currently at play, and often followed by a reselection of the speed to register with the HID or dongle. Have I bored you all to tears yet?
In other words, I have had quite enough. I don't understand why people are so invested in them. Maybe this one is faulty. Who knows. Not buying another.
Manual tool change with ER20 collets eats a lot of time. I have also, on many occasions, had to make several probe sequences on just one edge or face to get Mach4 to do its thing. Way too often the contact is made but Mach4 disables itself. Button goes green, but my face is getting red.
Xmas will come early this year.
Time for a Vista CNC solution

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: 3D Edge Finder procedure query
« on: July 20, 2023, 02:25:02 AM »
This is the device. It has a certain axial rotation that must be met and held firm to yield meaningful data, and failure can result in instant destruction of the internals. Also assumes the use of the highest grade of collet I have been assured. The instructions are not confusing as one might expect from the country of origin.
My concern is that there will be yet another step involved to secure the probe attitude during use.
As for Z Ref, I guess it is basically useless data even as an offset because of the nature of ER collets as are used.
SO I bought another tool setting device that is made interestingly enough by the people who brought us the WH-04 MPG.
Lots of neat possabilities no?

Mach4 General Discussion / 3D Edge Finder procedure query
« on: July 20, 2023, 01:43:24 AM »
Hope this isn't the wrong place to air this question. Let me know if so.
As I up the game to include Brass and Aluminum as materials to work with,  XY and Z ref take on a new slant. There I was trying to do a test piece in 13mm 6061 T651 plate and attempting to define the WCS as per the CAM workflow with my wood working probe gear. How newb can I get?
The new bed is conductive as will be the fixture plate that I am about to make, along with the mod vice and material. The gear I was using for non conductive materials goes into a drawer for now.
I have no experience  using the more in-depth probing sequence.
The market offers little selection as far as 3D Probes go. Prices jump from an idle to a full sprint.
I started with a~$100 item that states it has some anti roll feature.
It has a 6mm shank but we are installing it in a spindle with no brake.
As I am getting a handle on this device, it looks like that might present a problem.

Can someone explain best practice and which of the Mach4 probe methods to use.
thanks, chris

Hi, I will try to help by sharing my experience so far. I have been using the Touch off routine for mostly Z Ref using a 15mm brass plate. The diameter of the tool has no bearing on Z Ref of course but Touch Plate Height does obviously. I have in some cases had to re-do the routine more than a few times to get it to work. I am also running the ESS by the way. It should not be a factor. Mach4 is just waiting for a message from the ESS "probe input equals true"
I cannot comment on the weird numbers you are getting, but I would make a habit of using 0.1" for instance rather than just .1"
Anyway you seem surprised that Mach4 uses the Touch Plate Height value in solving the offset. Well that makes sense, if you consider that all touch plates have a precise thickness of conductive material between the probe and the part regardless of axis.
 Until recently I have rarely used edge finding and just do Z Ref in my wood creations. X and Y ref Zero are G54 as temporary jig and most of my material begins as square blanks.
I find the code is a little fussy and sometimes I lose my patience during the second or third time for the offset to register. I haven't voiced my beef about this flaky behaviour yet and won't till I know for sure it is not a "me" problem.
For doing a Z Ref I will position the tool approx 5mm (0.125") from the Touch Plate using the pendant or MPG and start from there. It is so slow. But lots of time to think of what to make for dinner. When successful the new offset is posted along with 0.1mm retraction that allows the brass touch plate to be removed without scuffing the endmill.
In the case where I have done x/y edge finding to date, I have used aluminum tape. Really neat solution IMHO :) it's cheap, and sticks to anything. It was a wood carving, so not demanding ultra high accuracy. In that case I changed the value in the Probe Plate Height variable to 0.04mm
 to reflect the thickness of the tape and inserted value for the tool diameter and in the event where the contact of the probe just stops the feed you (we) have the option of manually inputting the obvious value. Just a temp fix till you get a better handle on the weird glitch you have there.
You change Plate Height (or thickness) to match whatever edge finding accessory used. Personally I find that you really have to keep an eye on the endmill you are dialing in to make sure you don't measure the space between the flutes.  I bought one of those high priced XYZ plates and shelved it because the stated thickness was not the same for X and Y. I will have to pull it out and try milling it to spec once I have metal work holding capabilities upgraded.
Next on the list of upgrades is a 3D edge finder and the use of the full featured probe tab in Mach4.

Regards, Chris

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: 3D Touch Probe choice
« on: May 29, 2023, 04:20:23 AM »
It would be useful to share any advise regarding the use of these with Mach4 probing sequence, method of connection to an ESS motion controller and such. Is it a PNP 5V for instance. Two wire connection or other?
Have I missed anything? I gather that for $100 they aren't wireless operation.


Mach4 General Discussion / 3D Touch Probe choice
« on: May 29, 2023, 03:46:11 AM »
Hi all,
I did a huge face palm the other day when after a protracted upgrading the bed of my machine to allow for precision work holding I suddenly realized that my probing procedure was going to need an upgrade as well. The wood spoil board has been replaced with extruded 6061 T651

I have been looking at the market place and will have to resort to the lower cost solution for the meantime.
Would anyone care to make a suggestion in the $100 range like the one pictured
Thanks in advance.

Thanks for the reply.
As you requested, the Output Signal assigned for both Spindle CW and CCW LED's were not out of line.
My earlier problem solving led to my enabling "Reverse"  for the Spindle in Control>Config so this is why (IMHO) the LEDs are inverted. 
Disabling the Reverse  returned the unwanted behaviour: SP_FWD only by  CCW button or an M4 command, but the LED's will function correctly.

I am sure many will have a good idea as to how this came to be, but I can't fathom it. Is it an ESS Plugin Config error or a Mach Control?
Will live with a Yellow LED for the meantime but this demands a do over.
Everything else with my profile is near perfect as evidenced on my first V carving job.

Just to shed some light on my scene here. I upgraded from Mach3 and a pretty mediocre USB control card. Got the ESS and MB3 BoB and agreed to adopt the new Mach4  Money well spent, but the first time I have had to dial in my own profile and it was a bit of a learning curve.
I would like to be able to copy certain parts of my profile rather than having to do them over again.
What I might do for a temp solution if that is what you were suggesting.


New to Mach4.  I am running the 4162 build with the ESS 278.1 plugin.

I get the CCW ON LED  when the spindle is running CW.
It may be some artifact of earlier mis-steps during profile creation.
It is a PWM driven VFD, and had originally set it up as OB.
At one point, I could only get spindle to run by hitting the CCW On button, and I couldn't say as to how I solved that.
Maybe I should just start a new profile given that I have made most of the possible mistakes.
Thought it would be a good topic unless its just not! Screen editing is probably not the solution.
Just need a nudge in the right direction if somebody has a few minutes.


Mach4 Plugins / Re: XHC WB04 plugin
« on: May 01, 2022, 06:29:09 PM »
Let me know it working for you. look forward to your answer.
I took a break and upgraded my motion controller card to an ESS. Combined that with the fantastic MB3 break out board from CNC Room. Solved several mysteries with my spindle control. I thought I was in the clear....
I was almost successful getting the plugin from build 4839 to work about two weeks ago, but missed an important step. So I ordered a ShuttlePRO V2 ($150 USD)and had zero luck with that :o Really didn't know what to do next. But the clock was ticking, and my patience was just about done. So I really appreciate the info you have shared. Thank you. I can finally go back to work. Oh yes...and I can return my ShuttlePRO V2 and put the cash into material purchases.

Thanks again for taking the time and effort!


Mach4 Plugins / Re: Mach4 Plugin-Development
« on: April 24, 2022, 10:47:59 AM »
That is why I bought a Shuttlepro. The XHC pendant worked so well in Mach3  :P

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