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Messages - pstadts

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / Re: Linear cutting guidance
« on: July 01, 2019, 08:18:40 AM »
Unfortunately no that is not what i need, but thank you for the reply. 
I cut small blocks of glass and need a way to program sequential cutting at 2 different thicknesses.

For Instance, Cut 4 times at a thickness of 5mm, then cutting 2 times at a thickness of 11mm.  I know what the gcode would look like I'm just at a loss as to how to get Mach3 to generate the code without me having to manually type it.  That way i can write the procedure up and teach it to other operators.

General Mach Discussion / Linear cutting guidance
« on: June 27, 2019, 12:47:30 PM »
Hello all.  So i use Mach3 to run a linear cutting saw.  I make sequential cuts of a specified thickness any number of times.  Occasionally, i have to make a sequence of cuts at a different thickness immediately after i finish the first set. I have a loop that can generate the GCode for the set of sequential cuts.  I'm at a loss however as to how i can use the last X coordinate entered into the GCode list and use that as the start to add the new set of sequential cuts.  I realize i could add all of the cuts manually but i would rather i set up the screen to make the computer do it for me. 

Any thoughts or ideas would be appreciated.


Pages: 1