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Messages - webprotector

Pages: 1
Finished Plugins for Download / Re: A new Huanyang VFD plugin
« on: April 28, 2019, 07:01:19 AM »
I modified the 1.7.1 version of the plugin a bit so that it sets RTS high when sending, and otherwise keeps RTS low for receiving, so that it behaves with dummy RS485 converters.
It's a quick hack, and I'm not sure if royaumedeole would approve releasing this, but if there's an interest in this, I can link it.

How did you modify, do you have the source code?

Wow, answering to almost year old question, sorry for the delay! :)

I don't have source code, I modified the binary directly, using disassembler.

Hello SIVU,
Can you tell me please if you remember what disassembler did you used to decompile de dll file and recompile ?

Pages: 1