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Messages - ludara

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / Re: Steps per unit strange trouble
« on: August 31, 2018, 03:48:08 PM »
OK, I will keep trying things following your guidance and of course will keep you posted, if anyone have more ideas, they will be very well accepted!

General Mach Discussion / Re: Steps per unit strange trouble
« on: August 30, 2018, 08:08:40 PM »
I have verified the possibility of backlash, nothing moves noticeably, and have made measurements with 4 different rulers and flexometers, all show the same, at 1220 millimeters you can get real 1220 mm, but with the same steps per unit, if you ask for 50 mm, you get 48.2 to 48.3 (these last measurements taken with a calibrator)

General Mach Discussion / Re: Steps per unit strange trouble
« on: August 30, 2018, 05:31:36 PM »
I did calibrate against 1100 millimeters, adjusted the steps per unit and then try to corroborate with 50, the measure was 48.28, 1.72 smaller than it should be, but at 1100, I get 1100.... still dont understand

General Mach Discussion / Re: Steps per unit strange trouble
« on: August 30, 2018, 04:58:48 PM »
Thank you for your info ZASto, The machine has been working fine for several years and has had no visible spring effect (also, the test cuts are being made at 0.5 mm deep on pine wood with a 2mm bit). Will try to recalculate with the max. dimension of the machine.

Thanks again!

General Mach Discussion / Steps per unit strange trouble
« on: August 30, 2018, 04:22:39 PM »
Hi all,

I have been using Mach3 for 6 years now and have had no big troubles with it, all has worked well with a little help from the manual or by reading others questions and answers. But 2 weeks ago, I change the motor drivers of my CNC router and also made a change from inches to millimeters in my configuration, and now I am having a very confusing trouble....

I calculated and configured my steps per unit and the machine is acting very strange, you will see, to fine tune the steps, I have sent to cut 6 small squares of 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 mm but the smaller ones are cut a little small and the bigger ones are cut bigger and bigger. Below you will find a small table with the measurements I have got in my last attempt to calibrate.

Sent square       Dim X          Dim Y
10x10                 9.89            9.89
20x20               19.92           19.97
30x30               29.93           30.08
40x40               39.98           40.1
50x50               50.03           50.25
60x60               60.15           60.3

As I understand, all the measurements should be smaller or bigger by the same proportion (or ideally, correct!), but I am having some small and as the piece gets bigger, then the measurement is bigger and bigger......

If i adjust the steps per unit to obtain a 10 mm cut from a 10 mm drawing or gCode instruction, all the rest of the squares are each one bigger than the previous an the same happens inversely, if I adjust to get a 60 mm cut from a 60 mm gCode, all the rest of the squares are each one smaller than the previous one and if I adjust to get a 30 mm cut from a 30 mm gCode, the smaller cuts are increasingly small and the bigger ones are increasingly big

I have double and triple checked the diameter of the endmill, I have used Aspire to generate the gCode an have write it by myself, and made any other kind of revisions and the results are always the same and consistent, I really hope that someone could help me sending some light in this confusing results.

Thank you for your time and knowledge!!!

Pages: 1