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Messages - stoneman1

Pages: 1
HiCON Motion Controller / Mach 4 and integra Homing issues
« on: July 10, 2018, 01:15:14 PM »
I am having issues with getting the machine to home correctly. First i have updated the board to the latest update and all the limit switches work. when i try to home all it goes through the process but its z+ and stops but dont back off of the switch. i then it stop and it goes to the x hits its limits and says x++ limit is hit. I hit stop again and it goes to the y axis and hits its limit and stops says y limit ++ tripped. then  a small window say all axis referenced but it wont zero out. I know i have all the home inputs set to the correct inputs. Any help is very much appreciated.


HiCON Motion Controller / Re: Mach 4 tracking limit error
« on: June 08, 2018, 08:28:17 AM »
I have figured out this problem thanks for the response. but I have another question. The spindle set up on the DCM or RLC relay in order for the spindle to turn on when I hit the switch it should be reading 24v correct? I can hear the relay kicking on and off but Im not getting any voltage from it.

HiCON Motion Controller / Mach 4 tracking limit error
« on: June 04, 2018, 09:28:41 PM »
Ok I am new to mach 4 and the Hicon integra board. I am using clear path servos and can only get them to make a small move before getting error of tracking limit exceeded on all axis. I am not sure where to start to fix this problem and was hoping someone out there has had this problem as well and could point me in the right direction. I have the tracking error limit set to 6400 in the clear path software and even tried to turn it off just to see if i could get movement more then a pulse or two. Your help is much apperciated!!

Pages: 1