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Messages - SouthPark

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Impressive site!! Thanks Craig. I will be looking for short 3mm diameter drill bits from there. That store is selling good quality items.

Yesterday, I decided to go ahead to try adding 0.6 mm offset to my y-axis (for curiosity) on the flip-side (bottom) mill. I hit the jackpot this time - nice alignment on the two sides of the board after pad hole drilling. The very nice thing is that the offset discrepancy is constant, so at least the pattern locations are repeatable. The four registration holes themselves have no issue, which is interesting. I flip the board over, and the 3mm dowels fit it snuggly - both sides of the board, and I can pull out each one after clamping without brute force method. There was a time (before I knew about the need to square-up the x and y axis) where the board registration holes (on the flip-side) didn't line up with the drilled holes in the waste-board --- due to the two axes not being square enough to each other.

Thanks again for link Craig!


whats the bet you have 1/8 inch drill bits which are actually 3.175mm.

I've tried all manner of means to clamp the board down without flexure including the method you have shown.
When yo come to do bigger boards Autoleveller will fail to do the business with such clamping methods.
The best I've tried and currently use is double sided tape.

Apparently vacumm holding is better again but I haven't tried it yet.


Your bet was right on Craig. I measured those crazy bits, and it really is around 3.19 mm ....measured, which is right around the 3.175 value.

I haven't tried bigger boards yet, but certainly will work toward the bigger ones. At the moment, I've just been using relatively inexpensive waste-board, purchased from a hardware store. I needed to use the washer clamp held down with those lipped self-tapping screws, due to the bowing. I think the bowing is due to my bottle-top lids height being too short, so the clamps on the ends are exerting some force --- causing the bowing. This is just a guess right now. I will find some taller supports and see what happens.

The vacuum holding method does sound good. I will take a look at that method to see what's involved. At first thoughts, I'm guessing that there needs to be holes in a waste board in order to have some suction devices on the other end of holes to create suction forces to pull the circuit board down into the waste-board. I'm thinking that if there's enough suction applied across enough parts of the circuit board, then the circuit board would get held down quite nicely.

Thanks again Craig.....the '3mm' bits (says on the packets) are certainly 3.175 .... disappointing.


Hi Craig!

Prior to starting those drill tests, I decided to see what would happen if I used a shorter 3mm diameter drill bit. In a earlier post in this same thread, I mentioned that I had ordered shorter length drill bots for drilling the 3 mm diameter registration holes. I had never used them yet. The drill bits that I had been using were precision 3mm ones, bought from a proper hard-ware store.

Total disaster observed yesterday after using the new shorter so-called '3mm' drill bits (ordered through an ebay-store). What I found was..... these short drill bits (clearly labelled 3.0) on the shank, with the box labelled 3mm drill bits ........ drilled holes that were very noticeably larger than the ones drilled with the 'precision' drill bit. I tested a whole bunch of these shorter '3 mm'  - ordered from various different ebay-store, all looking like coming from the same manufacturing supplier. They all drill holes larger than 3 mm ..... from observations and also measurement. I was thinking that if I used a shorter drill bit, then I could see if that would have an effect on the hole misalignment in the y-direction.

Unfortunately, these so-called '3 mm diameter' drill bits don't drill 3 mm holes. My precision 3 mm dowels (as well as the shanks of my precision 3 mm drill bits) just flop around loosely in those newly drilled holes. That makes these new bits unusable for registration. But that's ok. I'll just stick with the long precision drill bits for the moment.

I've uploaded one image of my milling setup. The drill bit mounted in the chuck is that short bit. This photo was taken just before drilling. The circuit board seen in the image is an old one that had bad misalignment issue on the top and bottom side, but the board is still good for doing these drill tests. The holes seen in the photo are old holes. I drilled new holes next to them (after taking the photo). That's when I noticed that the new '3mm' drill bit doesn't actually drill 3 mm holes! The holes just come out larger than 3 mm....even with really slow z-axis feed-rate. Disappointing, but at least I found out something about these drill bits.

Anyway, you can see in the photo that I make use of used water bottle tops for clamping down my circuit boards. They're a bit too short, so I need to later replace these with slightly taller support blocks. I also use suitable sized metal washers for clamping down the mid portions of the circuit board. Without those 'washer' clamps, the mid regions of the board often curve (bow) upwards a little. These clamps keeps the board relatively flat. And autoleveller software handles the rest.

Hi Craig!

Thanks for your kind recommendation and suggestion, and also for going out of your way to explain the procedure that I could try. I'll definitely follow that suggestion and try it out. I'll update you with the findings. Also, thanks for mentioning other possibilities, such as possible Mach 3 involvement. I'll explore that avenue.

I'll definitely be uploading some pics of my setup very soon. One thing that just came to mind is the relatively long 3 mm diameter drill bit that I use for drilling the registration holes. I think they're around 5cm long bits.  Maybe that could have something to do with it. I did order some shorter ones, so I will do some tests with shorter drill bits. I will definitely report on the findings with spare pcb blanks .... with drill holes at the corners of a square shaped pattern. Thanks again Craig. Much appreciated.


I will be taking photos of my milling setup. Just showing the most recent result that required me to add 0.4 mm in the Y-direction just prior to setting the origin for the bottom mill.

For my next attempt, I'll add 0.5 or 0.6 mm instead of 0.4 mm. The 0.5 or 0.6 mm offset will definitely get the two sides of the board to match up very nicely. At this time, the TOP drill holes are slightly off, because I drilled from the BOTTOM after milling the bottom circuit. What I do is I set up the top side for milling first. Then I auto-level, followed by milling. Then I flip the board, then auto-level, then mill the bottom side. Finally, I drill the pad holes from the bottom side.

And my next task will be to figure out what the offset in the y-axis is due to. So far, I don't think it's due to the spindle not being square enough to the 2mm-thick board. I'm thinking that - for a 2 mm-thick circuit board, a drill-bit coming down at an angle of around 4.5 degree (to the vertical) would lead cause the hole at the top of the board and the exiting hole at the bottom of the board to have their hole centres offset by around 0.15 mm. So, when the board is flipped, maybe that initial error 0.15 mm could result in a 0.3 offset of holes. But that's only if the spindle was out by 4.5 degree along the y-direction. And the alignment dowels would probably be hard to slot in (due to angle error) if hole alignment were really bad. I haven't had issues with the alignment dowels slotting into the holes when the board is flipped.

So far, I'm not even sure whether squaring the spindle to the board is necessary for relatively thin (2mm thickness) circuit board milling. I wouldn't be surprised if it's important.

Hi again Craig,

Today, I performed a test along the Y-axis, and found that the tiny 1 mm diameter alignment hole that I drilled from the TOP side of my circuit board is out by about 0.3 milliimetre when I flip the board over. The board flip is still in the same way that I originally flipped it (ie. flip along the Y-axis). I'm still going to change my style and do flips along the X-axis as you do. But this issue has me stumped for the moment.

The tiny 1 mm hole that I drill from the TOP-side of the board is supposed to be exactly half-way between my two large 3 mm holes. I have one 3 mm diameter hole at Y = 35, and one 3 mm diameter hole at Y = 99. So half-way in between is Y = 67, which is where my 1 mm diameter hole lies. The small 1 mm diameter drill bit is able to consistently get back to that Y = 67 point, even when I drive the spindle back to the home location (where the limit switches are).

But now I find that when I flip the board over, the 1 mm diameter hole sits at 67.3 mm.

Did you encounter this sort of situation before? It's got me stumped right now, because my 3 mm diameter dowels fit nicely into the large 3 mm holes. I can see some red ink down the 1 mm hole when I shine a light down the hole. Obviously the hole (when the board is flipped) isn't spot on. The drill bit manually moved right over the hole, is reading around 67.3 mm.

And when I flip the board back over to the TOP side again, the drill bit lines up perfectly over the hole again. This is certainly challenging my apparently limited knowledge of geometry. I was assuming that if my x-axis and y-axis movements are relatively square to each other, and assuming my spindle drill bit angle is relatively square to the board (and the board is relatively thin....about 2 mm thick only), then the 1 mm alignment hole should theoretically lie at the same spot once the board is flipped over. But 0.3 mm out is fairly significant.

The nice thing is that manually offsetting the origin for the bottom-side milling dealt with that offset quite well. I found that when I deliberately add about 0.4 mm (rather than 0.3 mm), it allows the milling patterns on both sides of the board to line up reasonably well. I might have to add maybe 0.5 mm to get a near-perfect match. But at least a fix (by deliberate offsetting by a certain amount) is my temporary workaround.

I don't know what's going on to cause that sort of described hole-alignment offset though. I always like to work things out for myself. This has me out-of-ideas for now. I'll keep thinking about this one. If you have any ideas that I try ---- that could possibly help me figure out what this offset could be due to, then I certainly welcome any ideas.

I'm using a 3040 CNC. I can later show some pics of my setup. I will take some photos.


I used to follow the same idea, that is to say the mid-line approach, but I gave it away with the simple
expedient of re-locating the 0,0 point the width of the board when flipping it, so much simpler.

Thanks Craig! I'm going to follow your method, setting origins based on board width rather than mid-point approach.

And thanks for your help in letting know about putting the outline on the milling layer.

Until this evening, the PCB-GCODE pattern widths seen in the pcb-gcode's 'viewer' software had me wondering what settings would allow the pcb-gcode output pattern to perfectly match the Eagle dimensions. Only finally figured out a moment ago how to get PCB-GCODE to make a test g-code pattern that matches the Eagle board dimensions ....  by setting a few things to zero. This wouldn't be done in practice of course. Thanks again Craig. You helped me a lot. I'll show others what you showed me.

Kenny     (my real name is actually this)

I haven't used PCB-GCODE but I have used LineGrinder, and that relies on alignment pins to relocate the PCB when it's flipped over.  It worked perfectly.  LG is free, but bit of a steep learning curve.

Hi John. Thanks for mentioning LineGrinder. I will take a look at that software. Very much appreciated.

Hi Joe,

The time limit for modifying my previous post (for adding some images) expired, so I'll add the images in this post here. I'm going to use width of Y = 55 mm (or rather Y/2 = 27.5 mm) for setting my y-axis milling origin value, relative to the half-way mark between my two y-axis alignment holes (at y = 67 mm). So when I make the flip, I might get some good results this time. Fingers crossed. Thanks again!!!

I use Eagle and PCB-GCode and have done for several years.

Hi Joe! Genuinely appreciated your time for helping me. I had been at this for quite a long time trying to find the source or cause of my y-offset. It's likely due to my assumption of knowing an accurate y-axis distance between between my g-code pattern's origin and the edge of my copper boundary on the other side...... a distance of 48.857 mm according to the PCB-GCODE viewer. But in the 'board layout' screen of Eagle, the distance between the eagle origin and that same edge is 48.26 mm. I didn't know which distance to trust. So, for now --- I'm going to ignore both of those distances, and try those excellent steps that you mentioned.

Previously, I only had my white-coloured frame on the dimension layer. I didn't put one on the milling layer. I have to try that. Your extra technique, involving using a 5mm grid, with frame locked to the grid points ------ is excellent. I will try that excellent method, which I would not have thought of.

I have now turned on the grid in the Eagle board screen, and I've set a grid of 5mm (following your lead). The very nice thing about your method is that I now have some accurate dimensions to work with, such as distance between origin and the far edge of the polygon/copper/ground-plane.

I'll do some milling with this approach, and will also try some milling with the board flipping about the vertical axis instead of flipping along the horizontal axis.

For your Eagle board, I can see that you have the white frame around your circuit. There is no polygon (copper) perimeter in your board view. Is the copper pour polygon part of your white perimeter?

Thanks again Joe. Thanks very much for your time again. Greatly appreciated.

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