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Messages - mikefox

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / Limit Override not working like expected
« on: December 02, 2017, 09:13:59 AM »
tldr: Jogging out of limit possible via "Override Limits" in Settings Screen, but not via "Limit Ovrd" Hardware Button


I am presently building my mill and designing my control circuits ( not yet on machine but on the work table)

I am using a MachBob2 board with Mach3, and so far everything is as expected.


I have presently connected one switch as limit switch to an input (2/15, congigured as X++) and one switch as limit override (2/13, configured as Limit Ovrd)

When I jog an axis and trigger the limit switch, the motors come to an stop, the reset button blinks and the status says "Limit Switch triggered" and M1++ LED is on.

So far, so good.

If I activate "Override Limits" in the Settings Screen, I can reset and then jog, and when I switch off the limit switch, everything is back to normal.

Still so far, so good.

But: When I, instead of turning "Override Limits" on,  switch on the switch connected to "Limit Ovrd", I can't reset and thus can't jog out of the limit condition.

Btw: yes, the LimitOV LED goes on when I switch on the "Limit Ovrd" switch.

Am I missing something here?

Sorry for the long post and thanks for any help!


Pages: 1