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Messages - ELCouz

Pages: 1
PoKeys / Re: Pokeys57cnc Spindle Questions
« on: April 02, 2017, 10:50:35 AM »
Just want to make the topic answered for future reference.

From Technical support:

The OC outputs are part of the 'Pulse engine' and you will find them under 'PoKeys PE' device in Mach4 IO mapping (read more here: http://blog.poscope.com/pokeys57cnc-pinout-explained/).

Hope this help in the future!

Thanks all!


PoKeys / Pokeys57cnc Spindle Questions
« on: April 01, 2017, 11:56:09 AM »

Pokeys57cnc is a great product but I am having trouble to configure the spindle.

I am using mach4-hobby demo for now.

I configured my VFD (Chinese Nowforever D100) to work on 0-10V analog input for frequency adjustment. This is connected to PIN17 with PWM enable @ 10kHz like NeoTO recommended on an earlier topic.

The drive need a spindle enable signal to make it turn (Forward in this case). This is active low signal. I connected the VFD COMMON to OC4- and VFD X1 to OC4+. Is that right?

How I can make Mach4 to send active low signal on M3 with this OC4? I can't find what PIN number is OC4 neither on internet or the Pokeys Manual.

Arrrggg not clear!!!


Pages: 1