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Messages - MICHELDA

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General Mach Discussion / Re: microstep switch explanation request
« on: April 14, 2017, 09:53:45 PM »
Rich your genius...lo......now i can visualy what a stepdriver is doing, how is works.. thanks for your time and your talent to teach and simplify.  I do not know if that will fixe my little problem, but i will work on it this week and try it... So till that done, have a good weekend.

thks   Michel

General Mach Discussion / Re: microstep switch explanation request
« on: April 14, 2017, 12:27:30 AM »
Ok and thks . When i tune the Z axis with mach3, i ask the stopper to move 1 inch and it move 1 inch, so it gave me a nice curve . so i figure i am ok with it, and it should move properly. Is it ok the way i did it?
Also when you say tuning 30% below, is it the value on z Axis ? or is it the value i gave in the toolpath vacarme?

Is it a good idéal if i change on motorstepper value now is 10, what will be practical action will cause if i switch at let say 32?
or should i do try each microstepr till it seam ok? 2-4-8-16-32-64-128-256-5-10-25-50-125-250?
Also a stepmotor is built 1.8degre 200step. so it can not give a nice cutting curve, for that reason we used a stopper contrôler with many range 2-4-8-16-32-etc for having more angle and more stepcutting ?  is it ok what i say?

Remember i want to do the right thing ans also understanding why i am doing this or this.

thks to you


General Mach Discussion / Re: microstep switch explanation request
« on: April 12, 2017, 11:38:52 AM »
Thks. Ok i did read Geckodrive. to answer the 5 questions.
1: wood, harwood, plastic, soft aluminium, carving, letter, machine small part
3; well, as much is possible to have a verygood finish
4: as fast is possible, i will adjust myself to it
5:z axis has a leadscrew 5\8'', and spindel 1500w
I bought a old cnc china machine 2005. 3 motors nema23, new powersupply, new mach3 USB controller,
Machine work well, but it seam to lose step on zaxis when i carve 2.5D. So my idéal is to upgrade motor and stepdriver.
Is it a good ideal?
Thks again, i really appreciate your help

General Mach Discussion / microstep switch explanation request
« on: April 12, 2017, 12:01:35 AM »
Why and when using step 1/16, 32, etc ?
why using low amp or hi amp?
All step motor turn 200 1.8degre?
Which axis requide the higher nema?
The way i see that, i présumé to used the higher step revolution with the higher amp will be perform at max?

i know it is a lot of question and i présumé a lot of cnc fan will appreciate a explication



General Mach Discussion / UPgrading CNC 3 axes 24x36x5’’,
« on: April 02, 2017, 10:00:37 AM »
UPgrading CNC 3 axes  24x36x5’’,

Hi, my cnc is a old china 12 years old. 3 motors nema 17, 3amp, 1.2nm, ballscrew, 3 stepdriver ms-2h057m,
breakout board 4axes mach3 usb motion controller, spindale 1500w water collant.
I did clean  the surface table, change the breakoutboard, I’D like to change the motor nema17 for nema23 to improve the machine. Is it a good idéal?, also change the stepdriver. There so much difference choice, i do not know which one to buy. I need to know what motor to buy, what stepdriver to buy and the reason why?
Thanks to everyone

General Mach Discussion / Z axis losing height
« on: March 28, 2017, 09:14:16 AM »
Hi, when i start the job a 3D toolpath ruff machining, it does the job well, after i restart the 3 d toolpath finishing machining, everything is ok but     the Z axis move over without touching the material at some place. The X and Y axis are ok. So my question is where is my problem. could it be the z axis motor is not proper configuration, could it be the stepdriver, could it be a mach3 problem. I Really thing i am loosing step in Zaxis.   Any suggestion......thks


French / Re: À l' aide s.v.p
« on: March 27, 2017, 04:18:57 PM »
Oui, je suis dans la même situation que toi, cé toujours essai  erreur.....je vais essayer de t, aider    a plus

French / Re: manuel
« on: March 27, 2017, 01:10:06 PM »
Salut le Québec, moi je suis de Ste-marthe sur le lac, je suis aussi un novice, j'ai acheté une vieille cnc chinoise, que j'ai modernisé, nouveau power supply, nouveau breakout board...La elle est comme correcte.  J'apprend a travailler avec mach3, aussi pour le dessin vectrice aspire....ca fait beaucoup de software a maitriser en même temps, mais cé fun.
Pour le manuel de mach3 mill, il est sur le web et gratuit anglais et français.


General Mach Discussion / Re: Homing the wrong direction
« on: March 26, 2017, 07:39:53 AM »
Ok. let me explain  my problem......when i click "go to zéro" the x and y axis move to the right direction and then the z axis go up. what i would like, it is the opposite.......z first go up and then x and y.......thks

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