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Messages - phnxgold30

Pages: 1
Ok, well I tried running an M-code macro from within the g-code and it just stops and I have to hit "Cycle Start" again to get it to move to the next coordinate.

is it better to run a vb macro from gcode?

Or is it better to run G-Code from a vb script?

Ok, well I was able to get the laser sensor reading my distance with surprisingly good accuracy to a DRO on the main screen.  I still haven't figured out how to override the z-axis  value since my z-axis isn't really moving, but I went ahead and made the z-axis scale DRO as my measurement in mm.

So after looking at the digitize wizard, I've noticed the following:

- I could modify the script to take out the z-axis plunging.
- Since there is no way to modify the G31 and DigitizeFile settings (or is there?), I remove the digitize open file (M40) code
-With the above in thought, I also remove the G31 code within the macro.
-I make my own M##.m1s file that I can call from within the g-code
-In this macro, it opens the file for appending.........and adding the x, y and z coordinates, then closes the file.
-GCode moves my laser to the next coordinate.
-My custom M##.m1s file is run again

and so on

I would LOVE to test this, but I'm at work.    Is there anyone that can confirm this for me just from experience?  I've a serious CNC noob, but actually a software developer by trade, so I'm constantly thinking of this.  I'm having to learn vb-script as it's a bit different from vb.net, but it's not too bad.

Thanks again for the help.


Ok, I do see this with assigning the termination to a DRO.   Is there any function of BRAINS to do writing to a file, or is that only done with VB script??  I did find the syntax for creating a writing a file, but in the videos it says BRAINS are much faster, but if that's not an option, I'll go ahead and do the VB script for the file operation.

Thanks for the heads up!


VB and the development of wizards / Writing coordinates to a file
« on: May 05, 2008, 12:45:24 AM »
Ok, so I got Mach3 setup to my mill table, and use a ModIO which I hooked up a laser displacement sensor mapped through an analog input to a DRO (haven't figured out which one yet, so just using the manual feed override DRO as instructed in the tutorial videos.

I'm just stuck ion two more points and was wondering if anyone could offer any advice.

First off.......Can I map an analog input to a DRO such as my A-axis readout on the main screen?? 

Second.......is there a tutorial around that demonstrates how to take the X, Y and Laser displacement value and write them to a file??    I'm a VB.net guy, so the legacy vb is a bit rough for me, but I'm looking for something very similar to the digitizing wizard, but instead of the Z value, it would record the analog input.

Any advice?? 

Thanks a lot, this program is killer and I plan on making my purchase soon!


General Mach Discussion / Re: Question about Mach3 and inputs
« on: July 08, 2007, 01:06:23 PM »

Mach3 has 2D and 3D digitising, this will produce a cloud point for you, look under the wizards and search the forum for more details

In the config you can assign an input pin to be the trigger for the probe input


Now most I've seen have a TTL input, and that seems to be what you're talking about.  Rather than it being a on or off situation, I'm looking for an input that is variable from 0 to 5V, which would be an ADC taking it to steps that the software can use to tell me the distance from the sensor to the object I'm scanning.

I guess I could use it like a probe and the alarm output, but that wouldn't be any faster than a standard touch probe.     Basically I'm looking to write a routine and take about 50-100 points per second recording the x, y and z, putting them into a CSV.

I checked out the CNC4PC and it looks like the inputs are for switching only.........or am I not reading that correctly??  I need an ADC input for the variable as described above.

Thanks again!

General Mach Discussion / Re: Question about Mach3 and inputs
« on: July 08, 2007, 12:39:23 PM »
C++ eh??  Been about 8 years since I touched that.  I'm pretty big in VB, but I guess I can dust off the old C++ skills.   ;)

Thanks for the tips, I'll check em out.

General Mach Discussion / Question about Mach3 and inputs
« on: July 08, 2007, 03:32:11 AM »
Hello all, first post here.

I just recently acquired 2 laser displacement sensors  with a 4" working range that I would like to fit to a 2 axis table I'm constructing (I might add a moving z-axis if I need later).   The purpose is for laser scanning objects.   I would have gone touch-probe, but I picked up the sensors for a remarkably good price.

The question I have is about Mach3 and inputs.  The output is a 4ma-20ma, and it comes with a 249ohm resistor to give me a 0-5V result. 

I noticed the Gecko breakout boards have an analog input.

If I used a board with an input such as that, does Mach3 have the ability to record the points for generating a point cloud?

I'm just trying to find if there is software that does this before I take the long route and code it myself.   I've heard great things about Mach3 and am hoping it has this type of option for analog inputs.

Thanks in advance.

Pages: 1