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Messages - XavierMod

Pages: 1
Modbus / Re: Arduino Modbus, Complete, Documented and free
« on: February 23, 2016, 02:33:10 PM »
Yes Tweakie, you are all right, but not ever is possible to remove all noise in circuits, specially in a 10meter usb cable.
The solution I have tested is to reopen the modbus port, but it is not practical using menu.

The Shilling library puts pin 13 up when "Kill time" is reached,
This pin 13 could be wiredd directly to an Mach input.
I would like try reopen modbus port in macropump reading this input.
The problem is I can't find any way to do that, perhaps a plugin is needed.


Modbus / Re: Arduino Modbus, Complete, Documented and free
« on: February 22, 2016, 04:02:59 PM »

I am using the Shilling library to read 10 switches and following some corrections in this post it works very well.
The problem I have is when spindle starts, comunication  is broken, perhaps there is some interference.
To solve this problem now I use the "open" button in "modbus test" window, then Mach and arduino Uno reconnect.
I would like to know how to execute this "open" function from a macro.

Also I'm thinking abou to use TCP modbus in order to avoid this problem.
I think tcp modbus allows temporary interruptions, doesn't?

Thanks in advance

Pages: 1