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Messages - Floundering

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / Re: X-axis is dead
« on: March 16, 2016, 09:54:09 AM »
And I MAY have a defective cable. 

(What is a BOB??)

General Mach Discussion / X-axis is dead
« on: March 14, 2016, 11:33:52 AM »
I'm using an XP-SP2 & 32-bit computer with the ECP parallel port set to 378h.  I'm driving a 3-axis TB 6560 board.  When i use Mach3's on-screen pendant to jog Y & Z tjhey work fine but x doesn't move.  The on-screen DRO reflects movement  of each axis.  The ports & pins are configured as directed.
Using the same input pin assignment I can control each channel reliably with an Arduino---- without using Grbl.
I have a 2nd TB6560 board that reacts the same way to Mach3 but the z-axis won't reverse ------- which isn't a Mach3 issue.
It would seem that pins 1 & 7 are not the correct x-axis pins.   (THEY WORK WITH THE ARDUINO).
Did II overlook something?
Does anyone have any suggestions???

Thanks in advance.

Pages: 1