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Messages - Nutz-n-Bolts

Pages: 1
Thanks Royce!    PM sent.    I'm on a big learning curve right now, both with the normal operation of a CNC mill and all the design that goes into engineering the right electronics to run it.  I keep finding more info every day though.  I'll get there.

Thanks Tweakie,

I think I'd better go with Mach 3 then.   I definitely want to be able to control pneumatic solenoids with Mach.  Those switches on my machine are worn, and I'd like to be able to be more hands free when a job is running.   I won't mind paying for an upgrade to 4 when it's ready.

Going to start looking for some BOB/motion controller that will handle these functions.  

Hi All,

After my first post here I've abandoned ideas of trying to use a Mac to run my Mach retrofitted mill.

See old post:   www.machsupport.com/forum/index.php/topic,31444.0.html

Gerry was kind enough to suggest a UC100 motion controller in combination with a C10 breakout board which seems like they would do, but one answer always seems to breed three more questions.

This machine has the usual X,Y & Z axis with limit switches.  Additionally this machine has air actuated spindle brake and air actuated spindle speed adjustment, as well as high and low range gearing for the spindle. Then there is also the Bijour lube pump.   Because of the air actuation there would be two separate electrical circuits for each function.  For spindle braking on & off ,and for spindle speed up and down. The high and low range may require some type of sensor circuit too. My question is will the C10 be enough to handle all of these functions?  I don't mind spending a little extra to get the right hardware. Perhaps an integrated motion controller and BOB ?http://

Secondly I've read some debate on Mach4 versus 3.  Seems that Mach 4 is coming along and being a novice machinist I probably won't be needing much of the higher functionality I hear it's lacking compared to Mach3. Should I just start out with 4?  If so does anyone have recommendation on a PC that works well with Mach 4?  (or Mach 3 if you think I should swing that way)  Again I'm not just looking for a bargain basement PC I'm more interested in reliability.

I should mention that I'll be using Slo-Syn SS200D6 drivers.  I just picked up two of the three that I'll need.  Oh, and I may want a 4th axis some day, but even a basic C10 has 4 axis capability.

Thanks a ton Gerry,

I've looked into both the UC100 and C10 and think I under stand the set up.   I think it should fit the bill.   I'm not familiar with what integrated features are. Things like e-stop, spindle break, and such? 

I would need signals for: ebrake on & off,  spindle speed up & down, xyz limits, and estop.    I've already seen the limit and estop circuts on the C10. 

Ok, guess I was barking up the wrong tree.   I did some more poking around the net and could find no instance of someone running Mach3 on OSX.  I had emailed Mach tech support and was told you could run it on a "Mac" but they must have been assuming I meant through parallels or boot camp.  This would defeat the purpose.

So I'm now going to bite the bullet and just get a PC to run the mill.  With that said,  I'd still like some suggestions on a break out board or motion controller.   Should I be looking to run  through a parallel port or USB?  I assume running through a parallel port is easiest and would just require a BOB as long as that also fits the Slo-Syn drivers needs.

Hey Gang,
  I Have a  Bridgeport Series1 BOSS 5 Mill.  It's still all original but the "computer" is dead.   I would like to retrofit this unit with Mach3, some Slo-Syn SS2000D6 drivers for the stepper motors, and then use a Mac Mini to run it all.  I'm trying to keep windows computers out of our home.   Using a Mac Mini, I must use the USB output rather than parallel port.  This leads me to wander weather or not I need a motion controller or break out board?  Also do the Slo-Syn drivers need a motion controller or just a standard break out board?  I also really don't know that much about the break out boards and see them from 10 bucks on Fee-Bay to $79 at what seem like much more trustworthy sites.

 Which should I use motion controller or BOB?  AND  Is there one that will work better using Apple OSX ?

Hey everyone,   Glad to be on the board and getting my feet wet in CNC.   My home shop consists of a SB heavy 10"  a   OLD Lodge & Shipley 18"  and a Bridgeport Boss 5.  I bought the Bridgeport  knowing I wanted CNC but since have learned the limitations of the BOSS systems and the fact that mine would need some serious going over to get working.  My plan is now to do a Mach3 retrofit which I'll be starting a new post on soon.  Once in operation I'll be using it to mainly build ride on live staem locomotives and possibly grow a design fabrication business from home.  Really looking forward to the adventures ahead.

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