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Messages - NeilD321

Pages: 1 2
Mach4 General Discussion / Re: Mach4 Small Text
« on: April 25, 2023, 08:25:28 PM »
Well that's a very good thing to know. Thanks @Craig, I'll do that right now :-)

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: Mach4 Small Text
« on: April 25, 2023, 07:44:23 PM »
Hi folks,

I know this hasn't been commented on for a while, but I just upgraded to a brand new laptop with a much better screen and Mach 4 looked terrible. Quite a few things were so small as to be unreadable.

But all is not lost, as @joeaverage said, you can change the font size. But what he didn't say was that EVERYTHING about the screen sets can be changed. Font sizes, widths, tab heights, you name it. So while it's a bit of a pain and takes a bit to get it the way you want - you can definitely make use of your lovely new screen resolution. I'm now running at 3840 * 2160 and I have the screen looking just fine.

You do not need to change the resolution down to match (although this was definitely easier to work out what was going on).

I knew the screen sets could be modified but assumed it was for different machine types and/or requirements. My screen now matches my requirements (which include the resolution of my laptop).

I learnt something so thought I'd post in case it helps someone else.

Happy machining

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: When is a rectangle not a rectangle?
« on: April 12, 2022, 03:10:51 AM »
Although yours insist not to check,the  answer for your problem it's CV + acceleration deceleration

Sorry, I'm not insisting anything - I'm asking for help and was just clarifying.
I haven't needed to look at CV before (as I said, my CNC has been working fine for ages) but I'll do as instructed and report back.

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: When is a rectangle not a rectangle?
« on: April 11, 2022, 06:47:08 PM »
Thanks for replying.

My machine has been running perfectly for years and it has cut 3 out of the 4 corners perfectly so my accel and decel values are all good.
As was my feed speed. My CNC was coping just fine.
If anything was off I'd be VERY surprised that is was off consistently just in one spot on the machine.

Something else is wrong. Mach 4 decided to tell my CNC to do this for some reason as can be seen in the trace.

Mach4 General Discussion / When is a rectangle not a rectangle?
« on: April 10, 2022, 09:48:15 PM »
Hi Folks,

I've been using Mach4 on my CNC for ages but yesterday the following happened.

I was just trying to cut a simple rectangle 300mm by 110mm by 18mm deep using a 6mm bit.

this forum is really crap at loading images but:
IMG_1 is the regened toolpath. It's clearly a rectangle

IMG_2 is the g-code. It's clearly a rectangle.

and IMG_3 is what it cut. Now its a rectangle with one corner rounded off (top right)

What the hell? It did it on purpose as it did the same thing on all 4 passes.
I'm at a loss as to why it did it - anyone have any ideas?

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: Mach4 Gantry Squaring
« on: June 03, 2021, 05:16:14 AM »
Hey @Mckinleyrb,

just about to have a go at this myself so I've been studying your code (I have a PMDX-422 and we are both on the PMDX forum)

Quick Question - why did you use any code at all in the PLC script?
Doesn't that script run every 50 milliseconds or so?

Thanks Tweakie.CNC It's always good to know I'm actually learning and that something did, indeed, make sense.

Hi Folks,

starting to get the hang of this finally and I've managed to get my mill to run roadrunner.tap and get the expected results.
But I'm curious as to why the gcode has an M99 at the end.

It makes the entire file run again from the top.
Wouldn't an M30 be more appropriate or is it looping for a reason?

I don't have an endmill in place yet, just a pen, so maybe it's increasing in depth or something but it doesn't look like it is.

I think once I get all this sorted I'll write some simple calibration gcode files for beginners. I know I would have loved to have found some.
Although, now I've mentioned it, someone will probably point me to some.  ;)

Thanks BR549. I'll keep that in mind.


Mach4 build
SmartBobUSB Plugin version 0.17.86
Boot loader: 1.5.58
Firmware: 0.32.104

I have the Velocity Units/Minute set to 31 for all motors.

Pages: 1 2